smol ma'ar
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"Yeah. Maybe they'll find us. ...I should ask Urtho. If people here have healing gifts. And if he'll loan me fourteen silver, so I can have my wedding ring back."


"Oh, right. He seems - nice. So I guess it depends how much a Gate costs for him, because it's far away." 


"Yes. I think if the Gate is not too far and the mage who cast it is strong he'll probably agree, and if not he probably won't, and the silver won't matter either way."


"- Aren't you going to be sad if you don't get to have your wedding ring back." Ma'ar has only the vaguest idea of what 'marriage' means, other than a man and a woman having children together, but from the thoughts he's read, people feel like it's very important. 


"I will be sad about it but I don't expect Urtho to go well out of his way over that."


"...That's true." He squeezes her hand and hopes vaguely that it turns out the Gate is very easy for Urtho to do. 


The hertasi finish their work, and Gesten bows elaborately and wishes them well with everything, and gives Carissa a key to their room, and then leaves. 


She puts up an Alarm spell because it'll make her feel better, and investigates the bath situation since she never did get one at the other place.


There is a tub! It's large and made of shiny brass and has a knob with a different knob above it to control the water temperature. If she asks, Ma'ar will be able to confirm that it is very magical. 


It must be! This is incredible. The palace in Cheliax isn't this fancy. 


She takes a bath and Prestidigitates her clothes clean.


The water is the exact temperature that she chooses on the water-temperature knob and it keeps coming as much as she wants! (Except, if she risks overflowing the tub, it's clever enough to stop.) 


Ma'ar has decision paralysis between the two bedrooms and falls asleep on the sofa in the parlour. 


He's so cute!!! She is unsure whether this is a pregnant woman opinion, it just seems like a correct opinion.


When she's done in the bath she pokes her head out to see if she can get a servant's attention to convey her question to Urtho.


It's not obvious whether the hertasi servants are, like, watching the hallway or something, but within thirty seconds one of them answers. "Yes, madam?" 


"I wanted to ask a favor of Urtho, if I may, or of whoever handles requests for him. When I arrived in Predain I gave up my wedding ring as collateral for a loan of fourteen silver so I could feed Ma'ar and myself while we figured out how best to contact Urtho. I don't know how much trouble the Gate was, but if it wasn't too much, and he'd be willing to loan me the money, I would like to get it back."


"Oh! You came from - Anrod, yes, the College of Chirurgeons, but you said in your message that you were staying at the -" pause, the hertasi sniffs at the air suspiciously, "the 'Pig's Ear', surely that is not the real name of an inn...?" 


"It was the name of the inn! It was a lovely inn, and a fancy one because I thought a fancy inn was likelier than a pawn shop to give the ring back if I ever could repay them."


The hertasi doesn't even blink. "I will convey your request to Urtho and return within the hour with his answer." 


"Thank you."

She'll go back in her room and examine everything with Detect Magic, in the meantime.


There is a lot of magic shielding on the walls and the tower itself, which bears a vague resemblance to the kinds of shields Leareth would build 2000 years later. The room has a spell on it which, on examination, seems made to keep it at a consistent temperature. The wardrobe has a durability spell on it. There's a magic way to lock the door to the bedroom separately but it's a Velgarth spell. 


- wow. It's beautiful and it's so complicated and she can easily burn an hour trying to make sense of it.


The magic lock in particular is complicated but not absurdly so. Aroden could probably figure out a Golarion arcane magic spell to work it within a day. Carissa almost certainly cannot.  


Carissa is not Aroden. If she were, all of the problems here would've been solved inside five minutes. She can lock her door with her own magic, though, this is mostly for fun and to distract her while she waits to hear about her wedding ring.


Within about ninety minutes there is a knock on the door. 


She goes and gets it.

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