The Wen Sect contingent is approaching the Cloud Recesses, and Wen Chao has a smirk on his face that's even stupider than average for a Wen Chao facial expression.
Wen Ying stands up and looks around and doesn't touch anything.
This sure looks like a place where you'd hide some kind of weird magic treasure, but absolutely nothing about this place suggests "Yin" or "Iron."
There's a lot to look at! Icicles glitter from the roof of the cave and the cold blue water glitters up beneath it. The pool appears to grow more shallow towards the guqin's platform, lowering to Lan Zhan's knees and then her ankles as she moves forward. Layers of pale, frosted rock build up like rough steps to the guqin and its pedestal - in fact, this shelf of rock reaches the back of the cave and wraps around its edges.
On the rock shelf against one side of the cave shuffle at least a dozen snow-white bunnies, each adorned in their own tiny silk Lan ribbons.
Something resembling snow begins to drift down in the center of the cave as Lan Zhan ascends the platform. It dusts over her hair and clings to her eyelashes.
-- !!! Oh, that's very distracting, they ARE cute -- what on earth are they doing here --
Before either of them can further reflect on the cuteness of these bunnies, a low chord sounds and a glowing shockwave blasts outward from the guqin. The force passes over Lan Zhan like nothing but wallops Wen Ying off her feet unless she dodges very quickly.
Well maybe she COULD have but when it passes through Lan Zhan harmlessly she doesn't think she needs to! SPLASH
"Urburble," she splutters indignantly, surfacing again.
Lan Zhan blinks at her, then blinks down at the guqin and the glittering blue carving inscribed upon it.
"It bears the Lan seal," she observes. "You are unwelcome."
Down she goes again. Splorfle. Hack.
"You're right. I apologize. I do wish it would pick a fight with whatever did grab me here instead of with me," she grouses.
-- this time, Lan Zhan interrupts the chord attack. Bichen soars through the air and plunged downward into the blast's path, dispersing its force in a flash of blue.
"--Wait wait wait, you shouldn't fight your own sect's stuff for a suspicious Wen girl!" Wen Ying protests. "I'm fine, it's not like getting wet or lying down is gonna kill me!"
She doesn't re-summon her sword.
She does circle the guqin and kneel before it, fingers hovering above its strings.
She floats face-up in the water and tries not to provoke the musical instrument.
She strums delicately over the strings and listens to the arpeggio ring throughout the cave.
Lan Zhan closes her eyes and focuses. Her fingers flutter; she plays a few bars of Inquiry. Is anyone out there? Is anything in here?
This is not the best possible vantage point from which to observe this but it's good enough and holy shit, Lan Zhan looks gorgeous like that.
Something is here. Someone.
She sinks deeper into her meditation, plays on. Who are you?