The Wen Sect contingent is approaching the Cloud Recesses, and Wen Chao has a smirk on his face that's even stupider than average for a Wen Chao facial expression.
Very sensitive.
If she is wondering how much pleasure Lan Zhan can be brought through attention to her breasts alone, the answer is: really quite a lot.
Particularly with sufficient time and dedication.
Lan Zhan dearly wants to reciprocate! But after that she is too much of a dazed puddle to piece thoughts together, let alone move her body in any sort of coordinated way.
She whimpers into Wen Ying's hair and clings and does her absolute best to convey that she will do anything Wen Ying wants of her, as long as it does not necessitate understanding words.
Wen Ying would like to emphasize that Lan Zhan should not do anything uncareful of her leg, but that still leaves Options.
Kiss kiss kiss how does Lan Zhan feel about facesitting.
(This is extremely hot. Lan Zhan has never done anything like this - never even imagined anything like this - but she is determined to do well and make her wife happy.)
Her wife is SO UNGODLY HOT. Lan Zhan cannot tell Wen Ying that properly, but she moans in turn (slightly muffled) as she works.
She shudders and moans and then she has to get down and kiss her wife some more.
"My wife. My Lan Zhan, my sweetheart, my best friend, the pretty girl I couldn't flirt with in the library because--well, because." Kiss. "Mine."
Delighted shiver. "Yours."
She laughs softly, barely a breath, and snuggles exhaustedly closer. "I was furious with you in the library. Wen Ying was too gorgeous and brilliant." Kiss. "Terrifying."
"I guess it would be pretty terrifying, how smart I am, before you found out I was planning a coup." Kiss. "I am not a weapon anyone wants in the hands of their enemy." Kiss. "Of course, neither are you." Kiss. "That sparring match was..." shiver. Kiss.
She shakes her head. "Terrified of wanting you. Not a weapon."
Kiss kiss. They should definitely spar more, once Lan Zhan has healed and everything becomes well again, the sparring was unbearably hot.
"Yeah--oh! Speaking of weapons!" She sits up and rummages through her sleeves. And then, grinning, she produces Bichen.
She sits bolt upright-- mistake, ow -- and reaches for it even as she winces and sags back down to the bed. "How--"
Wen Ying presses it into her hands quickly. "When Wen Chao collected everybody's he didn't particularly give a shit about what happened to them afterwards, so they weren't well-guarded or anything. I snuck around giving everyone else back theirs first because I could just do it and go but I really wanted to spend time with you."
"Thank you," she whispers, gripping the sword hilt tightly. "No one will notice?"
"Someone might notice they're gone, but it won't be soon enough that they'll have any idea who took them or when. And, uh, honestly, there are loads of reasons someone might decide to take them that don't involve giving them back, so I wouldn't be surprised if they just don't...give a shit."
Yay kissing! Wen Ying still finds it slightly hard to believe that they are married and she can just kiss Lan Zhan whenever she wants. It's too glorious to be imagined.
"--When I asked you to supervise me in the library, after the cave--I didn't not want to know what I was looking up, but mostly it was just an excuse to spend time with you."
"I had hardly proved my trustworthiness by that point. Given evidence for it, sure, but not conclusive evidence. I was a Wen in your home being unfairly sexy all over the place and unknowingly secretly married to you, it would be unreasonable to expect you to handle that with perfect grace."