The Wen Sect contingent is approaching the Cloud Recesses, and Wen Chao has a smirk on his face that's even stupider than average for a Wen Chao facial expression.
"Mm. Perhaps he had it commissioned." She hugs her wife and lets out a shaky breath.
Hugsnuggle. "Seriously, though, did they exacerbate anything, should I get Jiejie?"
"Bound ankles made walking from the dungeons difficult. They threw me down. I have been trying to fix it."
"--Yeah I'm going to get Jiejie. She can help, she's the best. ...But I can at least get you up onto the bed first."
Yes definitely.
Wen Ying carefully lifts Lan Zhan in a bridal carry, one hand under her shoulders and the other at her thighs, careful not to jostle anything, and carries her over to the bed and lays her down on it.
(The pillows smell like her.)
Lan Zhan's heart flutters appreciatively. She rubs her cheek against the silky pillow and sighs. "Thank you."
Wen Ying kisses her other cheek. "You're welcome. I'll be right back."
And then she leaves to get Wen Qing.
"Wen Chao bound Lan Zhan hand and foot and dumped her in my rooms, which means Lan Zhan is now in my rooms instead of a horrible cell, which may indicate that Wen Chao has accidentally effected a positive outcome for once in his life, but of course since it's Wen Chao the way he did it aggravated her leg can you please come take a look?"
Of course he did.
"Yes, let me..." She grabs her medicine kit and follows Wen Ying back to her rooms.
"No need for that," says Wen Qing briskly, flapping her hand. She sets the medicine kit down on the bed and unlatches it. "I'll take a look at you. How much worse is the pain in your leg than it was this morning? Scale of one to ten, nine being how it felt when it first broke."
Wen Qing looks her over carefully. The leg hasn't sustained any more serious damage, she concludes, but she will construct a new brace and use needles to ease the pain.
"Any other new injuries, since A-Ying last tended to you?" she asks as she works.
Hhh fine. On her back, and her left-side waist and hip. It's genuinely nothing serious.
Who did it, was it Wen Xu personally or someone whose death isn't spoken for already? Inquiring minds want to know while they treat the injury.
Wen Xu's second-in-command. He's often the one who uses knives. Wen Xu was there.
Inquiring minds are perfectly capable of saving up vendettas for after the coup!!! Wen Xu's second in command can have a fair trial and die publicly for what he did, a silent knife in the dark wouldn't be nearly as satisfying really.
"It's not like I have to kill him now to make sure this doesn't happen again," Wen Ying says firmly. "Since you're here anyway I can get away with being possessive about you--if Wen Xu is annoyed I'll deflect him onto Wen Chao for transferring you. That'll work better than it would have before he got Wen Zhuliu killed attacking Qinghe."
Eeeee. The idea of Wen Ying being possessive about her makes Lan Zhan blush.
-- "Wen Zhuliu is dead?"