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we'll explain how f!wei ying became an adopted wen later
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"Awwwwww, Ying-jiejie, you don't like what I've done with the place?" He hops to his feet, smirking. "'S not anything your righteous Uncle didn't allow! I've been very good."


"Who is this."


"Who is that?" he counters cheerfully. "Ying-jiejie, did you make a frieeeend?"


"This is Xue Yang. for Sect Leader Wen. He's more...viciously creative...than I am, even though I'm much smarter. Sometimes Sect Leader makes us work together. It's never pleasant." 


"That's not very nice," he drawls, pouting. "I think we work really well together! Ying-jiejie can just draw the prettiest pictures with a knife, Lan-guniang, has she shown you?"


"Xue Yang! Stop talking out of your ass and get down here. Sect Leader Wen wanted you back in Qishan a week ago."


When he says "the prettiest pictures with a knife," Wen Ying flinches and looks away from Lan Zhan. 



"I don't know, Wen Qing, I don't really feel like being in Qishan right now. It's such a nice night out here, isn't it? Think I might stay for a while, do some tourism. Wanna come with, Ying-jiejie?"


"Don't call her that."


He giggles. "Aw, you're funny. Why are you two carting a Lan douchebag around? Wen Qing, I thought your type was a little shorter."


She rolls her eyes as loudly as possible.


"Don't call her that," she snaps. "Lan Zhan is better than the both of us put together." 


"At what? Eating her vegetables?"


She grits her teeth. This is Xue Yang; she can't just lash out blindly and expect it to work. 

"Plenty of things. Among ones you care about--having any sense of style at all." 


Xue Yang considers this.

"Mmmm, white is a good choice," he finally concedes. White is a very sexy color, on the right people. Lan-guniang isn't his type, of course, but -- hmm actually, maybe something interesting will happen if he looks pointedly at her chest.


"Don't worry, that's the look he gets when he's pretending to perv on someone to get a reaction, not the look he gets when he's sincerely perving on someone," she assures Lan Zhan. "I hate that I know this, but." 


Awwwwwwwwww his fun has been RUINED.

Whatever, there's always more fun to be had.

"So, am I free to go then?" he singsongs. "You two aren't allowed to kill me. What about Lan-guniang? Are you keeping her on a long leash?"


She draws her sword. It isn't her place to assign executions, but she will not allow him to murder any more people. "Surrender."


Man, that's not even a fun threat. Lan-guniang sucks. He needs to ask Wen Ying to pick up a more exciting girlfriend next time, when this is over.

"You have to catch me first!" he calls, turning his heel and springing away from the roof.


Time to unveil this one talisman she's been working on, then. Thwip. Now they're connected at the wrist by a cord of glowing blue light. She yanks on it hard. 

Once he's on the ground she stalks towards him. 

"Ask not what I am allowed to do, but just how hard my fuck supply has been taxed over the past week," she says flatly. 


He laughs, delighted. "Ying-jiejie, this is new! Did you invent this just to get me on my back?"


"Xue Yang, I am out of your league and you know it. Try hitting on someone more your speed, like Wen Chao."


"Xue Yang, where is the Yin Iron?"


"What's it to you? Didn't I already agree to bring it to your uncle after this?"

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