The Wen Sect contingent is approaching the Cloud Recesses, and Wen Chao has a smirk on his face that's even stupider than average for a Wen Chao facial expression.
Lan Zhan sways in her upright sitting position for a few seconds before toppling forward against Wen Ying's shoulder. Her face lands in Wen Ying's soft, fluffy hair. Lan Zhan finds this quite acceptable.
Must not snuggle must not snuggle MUST NOT SNUGGLE--
Qing-jie will probably not let her live it down any time soon if she gives into her snuggle-related impulses.
She caaaarefully takes Lan Zhan by the shoulders and tries to push her upright again.
The obnoxious bird passes overhead. Wen Ying pauses in her petting to make a Face at it.
Lan Zhan does not notice any obnoxious birds. She is floating in Wen Ying's lap, the world light and easy all around her. This is the most comfortable she's ever been, probably. Wen Ying is beautiful like the sun and moon, and hairpets are excellent.
oh no why has the hairpetting stopped oh NO. UNACCEPTABLE.
Lan Zhan nudges against Wen Ying's hands like a needy cat.
...Aww. Wen Ying sort of hopes for Lan Zhan's sake that she doesn't remember this in the morning, it'd probably be really embarrassing.
She goes back to petting her while she plots horrible demises for Wen Chao.
Suddenly Lan Zhan becomes aware that it is Time For Bed.
She sits up, lurches to her feet, and starts stumbling in a random direction away from the fire.
Lan Zhan bumps into a tree. She pauses, wrinkles her nose, and redirects in another random direction. "Bed."
"You're walking away from your bedroll, Lan Zhan," she says, scrambling to her feet.
"Lan Zhan!" She rushes over and grabs the other girl's wrist to guide her to bed.
Lan Zhan lets herself be dragged, blushing, in the proper direction. When they reach her tent, she wraps her arms solidly around Wen Ying's shoulders and tumbles them both into her bedroll so that Wen Ying lands snugly on her chest.
"It is nine in the evening. Let's rest."
She nuzzles into Wen Ying's neck, sighs happily, and conks out.
"Uh, yeah, I'm kinda...stuck." Not that being stuck is unpleasant, but.