The Wen Sect contingent is approaching the Cloud Recesses, and Wen Chao has a smirk on his face that's even stupider than average for a Wen Chao facial expression.
In a lurch of panic at the prospect of Wen Ying licking her lips any more, Lan Zhan throws the entire glass back herself.
"Oh! If you changed your mind and wanted some you could just say, you didn't need to steal mine!" But the giggle that accompanies the statement doesn't make her sound very upset.
Her throat burns, the silky sweet fire of the Emperor's Smile still dancing on her tongue. Lan Zhan has never tasted anything like it before.
She blinks at Wen Ying, trying to think of an excuse for her behavior. Static buzzes in her ears.
"Eh!? Lan Zhan???"
She bends over her friend to check her breathing and pulse then gets the hell out of Qing-jie's way, Qing-jie will be able to do things other than confirm that Lan Zhan is alive.
"A-Ying what did you do?" She darts forward, reaching out with her spiritual energy as she touches Lan Zhan's wrist.
"I poured myself a second glass of wine is all! She took it and I told her two glasses was fine and she drank it!"
She taps her fingers to a different pulse point, putting her other hand beneath Lan Zhan's nose to quickly check her breathing. "Oh -- her eyes are open a crack, look. Lan-guniang, can you hear me?"
"...she... appears drunk. I cannot detect anything else wrong with her. But that shouldn't be possible, it is literally impossible for anyone to respond to alcohol this quickly, I do not understand."
She covers her mouth with her hands and giggles wildly. That is so cute.
She slowly lets out a breath. "Okay. That is not how alcohol is supposed to function, but - aside from the speed, this matches. I think we're okay."
Wen Ying pats Lan Zhan's cheek. "Sorry. If I'd known you'd get this drunk this fast on one cup, I wouldn't have encouraged you. On the other hand, this is medically implausible. Jiejie is the best doctor and she says so."
"I'm going to tease you about this tomorrow," she giggles. "I was going to have two cups of wine, which I could absolutely handle, and you told me no and proceeded to get drunk."
Pout. Lan Zhan doesn't want to be teased, Wen Ying is too cute and effective at teasing.
She pats Lan Zhan's cheek and puts the wine away in her sleeve.
"No more alcohol tonight, though, if something else does manage to go horribly wrong it's the most likely and if I do manage to get drunk jiejie will be disappointed with me." She attempts to tug Lan Zhan back up into a sitting position. "Maybe I won't tease you, it's not like you could anticipate this either. Probably. I will have some questions for Zewu-jun later."