The Wen Sect contingent is approaching the Cloud Recesses, and Wen Chao has a smirk on his face that's even stupider than average for a Wen Chao facial expression.
"Something with the Yin Iron." Of course he did something to her with the Yin Iron, because Wen Ying took him on alone.
She huffs and grabs Wen Ying's wrist, touching two fingers to the pulse point and closing her eyes, reaching out with spiritual energy to assess the damage.
Mostly there's just a lot of internal bruising. None of her injuries were going to kill her unless she was remarkably stupid about bandaging her cuts; she managed to keep Wen Ruohan from hitting any major blood vessels and he didn't have much time to Yin Iron at her before Lan Zhan intervened.
Slow exhale. "Okay. You'll be fine. It will take ten minutes for me to prepare your medicine -- A-Ning, do the bandages. Lan-guniang, where are you hurt." She's already opening her medicine kit.
Her hands are already busy, but now she looks up to glare.
"-- Lan-guniang I am the doctor here and I'll decide which medicines I ought to make when. I would never neglect the care of my own sister or any patient, which includes you. Tell me."
Wen Qing is having a VERY STRESSFUL DAY she is not amused. "Don't waste my time. You think I won't take longer making this medicine if I have to come over there and chase you around?"
"Lan Zhan! You're as bad as I was before Jie scolded some better habits into me! I will be fine! I heard something crack when you hit that wall! Do you think I'll be better off if I have to explain to your big brother how I let you get seriously hurt or worse?"
Hhh. She really doesn't want Wen Ying to feel bad for leaning on her, and she especially doesn't Wen Ying to stop leaning on her when she wants to.
"Ribs. Tasted blood." And her leg is worse again but she basically already said that.
Wen Ying makes a small face of distress but says, "Thank you," and squeezes her hand.
She sprinkles in a third tincture to the medicine and lights a flame beneath her mixing bowl with a gesture of her fingers. "A-Ning, come here and fan this for me."
Now she can go to Lan Zhan and investigate. She carefully feels around Lan Zhan's rib cage, and then her leg, and then investigates through extension of her spiritual energy again.
It's not too bad. Two ribs are broken, but nothing is punctured. Nearly all of the progress on healing her leg has been lost; this is a setback, but it doesn't need to be reset and Wen Qing has medicine that can help the pain.
She reports her findings. Lan Zhan is also going to be fine, as long as she rests and keeps off of the leg.
Wen Ying gives her wife a suspicious look. "Am I going to have to carry you to get you to keep off the leg?"
"Dajie, are any of my injuries actually ones that would be exacerbated by heavy lifting?"
"I will carry you if that's necessary to prevent you putting weight on your leg," she reiterates.
" moderation." Wen Ying carrying her in her arms is pretty difficult to resist.