The Wen Sect contingent is approaching the Cloud Recesses, and Wen Chao has a smirk on his face that's even stupider than average for a Wen Chao facial expression.
Huaisang flutters his fan and makes a big show of spluttering in offense, but this is basically what he was aiming for.
Dinner is delicious, the kind of simple but filling and well-made food that takes a lifetime to perfect. It sure is a good thing they aren't in the Cloud Recesses with their three-bowl limit right now because it's been months and mmmmmmmmm.
Lan Zhan stays properly within the three-bowl limit, but does express appreciation to Granny for the delicious food.
Well, if she's sure. She's a nice young lady, anyways, complimenting an old woman like this. Would she be a dear and help her with the dishes?
Once they're alone, she says, "I've seen you looking at my granddaughter for over an hour now, and I can't say as I disapprove--I was young once too, you know. But I have to ask: what are your intentions?"
"Oh, relax. I don't know if there's a word for when you're like cutsleeves but women, but as I said, I was young once."
That is -- unexpected! This whole conversation has been unexpected and stressful, even though Granny Wen is a delight. Lan Zhan wishes to Exit.
It feels slightly dishonest omitting that she and Wen Ying are actually married, but it isn't as though that will come up. Wen Ying doesn't know and isn't going to know and doesn't care, as far as Lan Zhan can tell, so it's never going to matter.
"...I see."
"Just be honest with each other if anything does happen. Nobody wants to be in a situation where somebody finds out only years after the fact that they drunkenly eloped with three different people and also a horse over the span of a month."
"Good." Handpat. Okay, dishes dealt with, time to head back in to the grandchildren, Lan-guniang can accompany her or stay out here for a bit and hyperventilate, either one.
Grandchildren continue to be really glad to spend time with her! Wen Ning starts telling her very excitedly about his archery progress at Cloud Recesses over the summer.
That's wonderful! She's so proud of him! He will definitely have to show her sometime, on their next visit if they can't make time tomorrow morning.
Wen Qing would like to hear more about how everyone else in the village is doing. How's baby Yuan?
"Aww! That is cute! If we can't make time to see him tomorrow morning you have to convey an absolutely embarrassing amount of baby-talk and endearments from me."