The Wen Sect contingent is approaching the Cloud Recesses, and Wen Chao has a smirk on his face that's even stupider than average for a Wen Chao facial expression.
Kiss. "I kind of like the idea of telling your family before random strangers anyway."
They should probably return to the palace, with Wen Xu and Wen Ruohan's head.
Yep. Hm. If Lan Zhan holds the head, Wen Ying can shouldercarry her like before so she stays off her leg and drag Wen Xu along the ground by his hair or arm or something.
Lan Zhan does not especially want to hold the head, but it's worth being carried by Wen Ying. She picks the head up from the street by the hair.
Wen Ying manages to get all three of them back up to the palace, and then she gets Wen Xu thrown in a dungeon and can take the head from Lan Zhan.
"I'm thinking of sending this to Chifeng-zun as an apology for his dad. What do you think?" she asks, eyeing the severed head critically.
She briefly looks around to see if the Nie disciples are back with Nie Huaisang yet, but when she doesn't immediately find them she makes the executive decision to go find dajie again. Lan Zhan's injuries probably aren't too much worse but better safe than sorry.
(Wen Qing would be very angry if she found out later that Lan Zhan hadn't been brought to her immediately.)
She has Lan Zhan sit down and looks her over. Her head seems to be fine; bruised, but not concussed. Her leg is not noticeably worse. Her ribs are noticeably worse, and Wen Qing is displeased by the breathing trouble. As before, nothing is punctured or badly misaligned, but impact was unfriendly to the already-damaged ribs. Wen Qing determines that a third has sustained a hairline fracture: unproblematic aside from pain.
Wen Qing relays this. The current situation is unpleasant, but with Lan Zhan's strong cultivation base Wen Qing believes she will quickly make a full recovery as long as there is no further damage. She wants Lan Zhan to have two days of bedrest.
"Lan Zhan, if I put you in my bed and promise to join you there as soon as I've dealt with everything time-sensitive, will you please please stay there and not get up looking for me or anything?"
"Ask Nie-gongxi to bring the head to his brother, put barriers over the lava pits, reassure people that everything is under control, see if there's anything the erstwhile hostages need?"
"Please, Lan Zhan? If dajie mandated bedrest for me I'd have to do it."
"Thank you!!!"
A dazzling smile and affectionate squeeze, and then Wen Ying brings Lan Zhan to her room and lays her out on the bed and kisses her properly.
Flinch, jerk--
"--Oh! You meant me!" She immediately relaxes. "Sorry, yes, that makes sense, just--habits."
"Ah, it's okay. I'm going to have to get used to hearing that out of nowhere." Kiss kiss light nip of the lower lip. "Maybe you could help?"