The Wen Sect contingent is approaching the Cloud Recesses, and Wen Chao has a smirk on his face that's even stupider than average for a Wen Chao facial expression.
The flower petals against the blue sky are gorgeous.
And Lan Zhan amidst a flurry of petals is even more gorgeous than regular Lan Zhan, which Wen Ying had not previously been confident was possible.
Lan Zhan, gazing up in peaceful awe at the beautiful petal shower, does not notice Wei Ying staring.
Something passes overhead that is not a gorgeous flower and is, in fact, an ominous spooky bird. The Yin Iron pulses colder in its pouch, grabbing Lan Zhan’s attention away from the flower show.
They definitely should. Wen Qing quickly asks someone for directions; the house is just up those hills right over there.
Lan Zhan leads the way, Yin Iron pouch clenched tight in her fist.
A servant greets them when they arrive.
"Are these ones here for the poetry reading?"
"No," Wei Ying says firmly. (Alas) "We need to speak to the Flower Lady urgently about the Yin Iron."
The servant blinks. "I...will inquire of her."
A few minutes later a slightly older woman comes to the door, eyeing their group critically.
"You all seem a bit young to be sect leaders," she observes.
"Master Lan Yi's protection over the piece in Cloud Recesses weakened. Sect Leader Wen seeks the other fragments."
A coup???????
Nie Huaisang doesn't have the necessary context for any of this, but it all seems quite exciting to hear about and he really wants to see the pretty gardens, so of course he'll stick with them for now.
"Wow, your gardens are amazing! No wonder they call you the Flower Lady."
"Oh, it's, you know, something to pass the time. Nobody needs to know as much about flowers as I've figured out," she laughs softly.
She leads them to a receiving room with a table and pours everyone tea. The tea is very fragrant and might smell just a little bit like some of the flowers.
"Now. Tell me everything that's happened so far."
Wen Ying considers that she and Lan Zhan are the ones who were around for most of what happened at Cloud Recesses, and considers Lan Zhan's taciturn nature, and the fact that she was around for the incident on the mountain all those years ago, and launches into an expository narrative that catches the Flower Lady up with everything anyone who's reading this thread would know.
Huaisang appreciates being filled in!!! Now he can stop pretending that he knows what the fuck is going on when he does not, and instead focus on pretending that he is absolutely supposed to be here and on this mission and knowing these things when he is not.