The Wen Sect contingent is approaching the Cloud Recesses, and Wen Chao has a smirk on his face that's even stupider than average for a Wen Chao facial expression.
She studies the five of them.
"And you can confirm that to the best of your knowledge, this account matches reality, Lan-guniang, Nie-gongxi?"
"Me too," says Huaisang, like someone who totally already knew all of this information and has lots of confidence in it.
"Alright. Follow me. You can bring your tea if you haven't finished it."
She leads them to a garden at the center of the complex.
Walking up to the single largest bloom in the place, she extends her hand, and the piece of Yin Iron materializes above the flower and then floats over to hover above her hand.
"If you've lied to me--about anything important, I won't care if I somehow learn that there weren't actually bunnies in that cave--I will hunt you down and make you regret it," she says levelly. "Clear?"
She hands it over. "I understand, but this world contains plenty of hypocrites. Ask your friends in red about the Wen precepts sometime."
She cracks her knuckles. "You're welcome. Now get out of here before that impolite boy shows up and wants to know why the three of you didn't try to stop me from kicking his ass."
"Yes, Ma'am!" He would really like to spend longer looking around these beautiful gardens but he would Really Really like to not get murdered by the Wen Sect. He's already on his feet and ready to go.
They all bow and thank her and depart. Both Yin Iron pieces are securely stowed in Lan Zhan's pouch, informing her that they would like to travel west.
Perhaps they take shelter for the night at the next town they find, going that direction?
"...Wait," she says, halting and looking around at the forest they're passing through. "I know where we are. I didn't realize--I wasn't looking at a map, but--"