kyeo and carissa
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"That didn't seem like the thing. Though it did, separately, confuse Carissa."


"What confused Carissa?"


"That Osirians do not object to married people having same-sex lovers on the side."


"Was this decision-relevant for her?"


"I am not sure it'd be decision-relevant for her whether you were a demon with a maw of acid."


"...she volunteered the opinion that it would be annoying to be exclusively attracted to men because then you'd be risking pregnancy when you sought out, uh, 'hookups'."


"If you are undecided you should probably just - talk to her one-on-one."


Shrug. "Let's see if we can bring her around on not being Evil first."


"Yeah..." Belmarniss pulls out her index notebook and sticks bookmarks in a few pages.


Carissa doesn't keep trying to pray to Abadar after Kyeo leaves; clearly that was a sufficient duration of praying to Abadar and He doesn't care to talk to her right now, which is ridiculous to be offended about because she's never even heard of the thing that just happened to Kyeo. Priests get visions and dreams sometimes. Maybe Kyeo is ironically a perfect cleric of a god of wealth once he understands what wealth is.


She spends the evening waffling between despair that the Osirian doesn't want her and she'll be put to death and go to Hell in ten thousand years when her statue crumbles, if she's lucky, and despair that he does and in two days she'll be signed over to him with lots of people around smiling thinking this is a happy ending.

She sleeps poorly, which she has been lately, and it doesn't matter because she's not a spellcaster anymore.


In the morning Belmarniss shows up to bother her.


" - hey." She should not really waste time trying to parse what this means for which bad thing is going to happen. 


"Hi. I have located in my notes index some old questions I had in mind to ask an Asmodean if I ever had one who'd hold still for me and I can de-etherealize the books to see what they were but if you actually do not feel this would be a good use of your morning I can save the spell slots I'd use to put them back again, use 'em to spar with paladins or something."


"Oh, are you a sorcerer?... is there a spell for storing things that aren't spellbooks that way? 

I - don't have plans and will try to be helpful to you if I can."


"I'm a sorcerer and a wizard both. And it's the same spell but I stick it to a Secret Page when the book's otherwise nonmagical. I'm here to be helpful to you, I just thought my old notes'd be a good jumping off point."


"Ah. Okay. I appreciate it."


She looks at her index, appears a book in her hand, turns to the correct page. "So some of this is obviated by my having not known much about Asmodeanism at the time and basically treating it as a black box of 'why would anyone be on team Asmodeus, I guess that's just one of the mysteries of life', it might take me a bit to find anything that still applies." Flip flip. "Anything much on your mind?"


Asking whether the wizard wants her would be pathetic. "Is Kyeo okay?"


"...I saw him at dinner yesterday and he looked fine. What happened?"


"We tried praying to Abadar and he caught a headache out of it."


"Ooh, lucky him, that only happens if they bother with you! I'm planning to try to get lots of headaches before I go for the Starstone."


"But it doesn't cause - damage, or anything?"


"Responses to prayer, no, not as far as I know. Going for the Starstone on the other hand is overwhelmingly fatal."


"That I knew."


"Anyway, yeah, he's fine... The church controls the school system in Cheliax, right?"

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