kyeo and carissa
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"One of them is Cayden Cailean. He was an adventurer when he drunkenly decided to go for the Starstone and ascended. He's now the Chaotic Good god of revelry and drunkenness." She sounds disapproving. "And then there's Norgorber, the Neutral Evil god of crime."


"Those do sound very odd," Kyeo agrees.


 "It's often hard to make sense of the gods' long term plans, and that was even more true before prophecy was destroyed."


"Prophecy? Was destroyed?"


"It used to be that gods and powerful spellcasters could see possible futures. When Aroden died that - broke, somehow, and now no one can do that, not even the gods. They can still make informed guesses but it's not the same."


"Huh. Has any other sort of magic ever been broken in that way?"


"Not that I know. If something broke when Earthfall - the asteroid - happened we might not know, all existing human civilizations were destroyed."


"- oh."


"This was almost nine thousand years ago."


"I'm sort of confused that you haven't achieved higher technology in that time, actually. Most of my galaxy's technological progress was in far less than nine thousand years."


"Huh. I wonder if the things you did are impossible here somehow, or if some of our gods oppose them."


"I suppose either of those could explain it."


"If technology is what lets you melt planets the gods probably would oppose it, of course."


"Well, most of it doesn't do that. I suppose perhaps hundreds of years ago they prophesied it."


"They might've done. Iomedae hasn't mentioned but the gods don't usually directly speak to people, only when it's very important."


"Why's that?"


"We're - very small compared to gods, and we can't understand most of how they think, and it is dangerous to us to be in close contact with them, unless they are expending lots of resources to make it safe for us and to explain things in terms that we can understand. And Iomedae is a new god but has lots and lots to do, so She has to be very judicious about how She uses resources."




"Is that...surprising?"


"I just wasn't imagining becoming a god as involving becoming worse at things."


"It's not that it makes you worse at things, exactly, it's that - when you have a plan that is still a human sort of plan you can explain it fine, but if your plans are now far more complicated than that and involve negotiated agreements with twenty other gods then they can't be explained in simple terms, even though you're not worse at explaining. And you have more attention than a human but still not necessarily enough attention for all the things you are trying to do simultaneously. A god that were trying to imitate a person would be very good at it, but if you just want to be a person, why become a god."


"Mm, I see."


"I know people who spoke to Iomedae during the Chelish Civil War. I don't know if I know anyone who has more recently than that -"

"- I got a pretty specific dream about the Whispering Tyrant, I don't know if that counts..."

"...I think not strictly speaking? It's not talking."

"I think She meets with the Glorious Reclamation people regularly but they don't talk to anyone outside the order, so..."


"Whispering Tyrant, Glorious Reclamation..."


"The Whispering Tyrant is in Ustalav, it's one of the threats Lastwall was founded to look out for. The Glorious Reclamation is the paladin order devoted to operations in Cheliax. They work closely with Iomedae because intelligence operations benefit a lot from comparing notes from the human perspective and the god-perspective, but they're very secretive, for obvious reasons. We worked with them to arrest the Chelish wizard - Iomedae had direct input on that, she said that if we waited ten days then no one would draw the connection between her arrest and your appearance."

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