kyeo and carissa
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He will pass the time by asking what dragons are like.


Dragons are enormous flying lizard-like magical beings who can breathe powerful blasts of energy and who are exceptionally deadly when they want to be. There are a few ancient ones and they're not to be trifled with; there are more young ones than that, but not that many, maybe hundreds in the whole world. 


Interesting. There are legends about dragons where he's from but no real ones.


...this gets them distracted from speculation about operations. Legends but no dragons? Were there once dragons? Why would there be legends, otherwise?


"On Earth tens of millions of years ago there used to be giant reptile-bird creatures called dinosaurs, and I imagine adding wings to them once their bones were discovered wasn't a difficult conceptual leap."


This satisfies them. Bells ring to signal the end of lunch and they bustle off back to work.


Kyeo presumes that if he's meant to see Carissa they'll tell him.


They bring it up the next morning while attempting to scry Peng again. "I don't know if you and the Chelish wizard were particularly acquainted but she can have visitors, now, if you did want to see her."


They didn't form all that close an attachment but he's very bored. "Where can I find her?"


"I'll have someone escort you." It turns out that Lastwall's prison cells are underground, down several flights of stairs guarded by people Kyeo knows from lunch, who wave at him; the cells themselves are windowless and have a bed and a bench and some books. 


Carissa is sitting on the bench with her hands cuffed in front of her, picking at her nails; she stiffens very slightly when Kyeo walks in. 

       "You can, uh, knock when you want to leave, or yell if anything goes wrong," says his escort, pausing at the door. "You can yell too, if you want him to leave" he adds to Carissa, who glares at him.


Kyeo nods at the guard. "- I don't have anything specific to say," he says to Carissa. "I just don't have very much to do and they told me I could come here if I liked. I'll go if you'd rather."


"Oh. No, I don't mind. Apparently Good holds that you mustn't let prisoners go a whole day without anyone to talk to so they have random elderly men come in with dinner every day and make conversation for fifteen minutes and then leave. How're you."


"I'm fine. Elderly men in particular, how specific."


" - I mean I assume it's got to be people who they're confident are cleared to know and won't go accidentally mention it in earshot of a Chelish spy, but most of those people are important, so, the retired ones. I don't know why men in particular. I asked one if it was supposed to be an arrangement by which I could delay my execution by offering sexual favors and he got very offended and spent thirteen minutes explaining how Good holds that it's better to kill people than to let them convince you not to."


"They keep trying different explanations of Good on me but not that one for some reason."


"I don't think that's what he thought he was saying." Shrug. "You look better. More...fed."


"They feed me, yes, and I'm not getting much exercise."


She appears to think of a question, think better of it, look at the ground.


"Are they feeding you too?"




"Didn't say for how long. ...might literally be because they weren't sure if you'd gotten attached. Or it might be a Good thing where they have to right up to the end even though there're presumably starving people who aren't going to die? I'm not sure."


"...should I be pretending to be attached so they don't starve you, or -"


She looks genuinely confused. "...why would you do that?"


" they don't starve you."



"Uh," she says carefully after a moment, "if you are inclined to inconvenience yourself just because otherwise they will starve me, then I think that is getting attached and not pretending, not that I'm not grateful but I am somewhat surprised."

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