Eclipse peals
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"Is there anything that'd be more helpful than a peal of him -"


"The consensus is that it would be swell if anybody he killed showed up and was like 'that was definitely the right call' but that it would make him more uncomfortable than it's worth if they were actually prompted to do so."


" they have, like, the means to do that, it is not obvious to me how as a citizen of Afterlife I could show up to talk with him even if I thought that was a good idea -"


"They have the internet and he publishes his correspondence label that he conjures up everything titled that regularly."


"I know some people who might think it but they probably would not write him a letter." Sigh. She approaches a street vendor to take a couple of ice cream cones, and then pauses at the very brief flash of confusion on the vendor's face.


Mmm ice cream.


"...something wrong?"

"...we use money here, it's just flat Elves who don't bother - go on, though, it's fine -"

"Flat Elves -"

Handwave. "You're magic and stuff? And have yet to invent currency. Like I said, go on, it's fine -"

"I'll pay you, I just don't know your money or how to acquire it -"


"...uh..." Isabella looks something up. "Okay cool I'm allowed to use Cam's money, question is how do I actually get at it -"


"...most people have it on their chip, then you can just mentally transfer for purchases? Humans and Dwarves either carry a chip or get a little implanted one in their fingertip - I don't know what Cam does - I'm sure the prince Nelyafinwë would help you out -"


Well, one of the local Princes Nelyafinwë can be emailed about this.


And will pop over. "Hey! Oh -" he tilts his head slightly and the vendor relaxes, ice cream paid for. "Welcome to Ambaróna."


"Thanks. Sorry about that, should've figured that Elf Communism does actually get intractable at this population size..."


"Yeah, I haven't the faintest idea how everyone else handles their allocation problems - well, Vanda Nossëo has little signs on everything saying what it'll go to if you don't use it, so you can decide if you're a better use of it than that thing, but honestly I think even Elves would feel uncomfortable making allocation decisions that way if they weren't shellshocked by the horrible state of most places in the multiverse. We do money. Most unchipped people get a thing for it in their finger, you can also just tell people to charge it to me."


"Cam's notes say I can use his money, can I just tell people to charge it to Cam?"


"They might want to check with Cam? - most people here don't know about alts because we don't have a better plan than 'information security' for keeping the multiverse from demons -"


"Fair enough. Well, Cam'll pay you back for the ice cream if you want, I guess."


"Please don't worry about it. Uh - I'm guessing offering a tour would be counterproductive, but care to pick up a guide book? There are a lot of cities like this - though my word isn't good for credit in all of them - and we've got three colony planets."


"Guidebook sounds great."






"Of course! Anything else?"


"Nothing springs to mind. Let me know if you need anything prognosticated."


"We are going to exploit that so much!"

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