<Thank you.> Mhalir stands a respectful distance away, resisting the urge to swish his tail, it's probably alarming to her. <All right. Some context on the war. Unsurprisingly, there is a great deal of ground to cover here, and I expect much of it will be confusing to you. First: the body you are looking at is not, actually, mine. Our species is called Yeerks, and we look like this.>
Using Alloran's brain chip, he indicates to the shuttle computer to project an image of Yeerks in a pool onto the wall, with an indication of scale. Yeerks are very small, compared to humans.
<On our home planet, we had a symbiotic relationship with another species, the Gedds> image of a Gedd, <where we would enter their heads, and interface with their brains. Without us, they were not very intelligent, and so they returned to our pools repeatedly to obtain our help; they gave us their senses, and in turn we gave them the ability to reason and achieve more complicated plans and goals.>
<My current host body is an Andalite. This part is even more complicated. Some decades ago, Seerow, an Andalite scientist, came to our world to study us, and realized we were a fellow intelligent species. He shared his people's high technology with us, including starships, and he figured out how we could replicate kandrona, the nutrient that we previously needed to obtain in the pools, from our homeworld's sun. He gave us the stars.>
<We wanted to explore the universe. To share the technology he had shared with us, and to find others, like the Gedds, who might benefit from our help in the same way. Some of the Yeerk factions were - less concerned than others about the consent of the hosts, and while I do not think that faction would otherwise have won out, Seerow became alarmed. With very little warning, he escalated and attacked us. That is how the war began.>
Mhalir watches her closely, trying to gauge her reaction, though presumably the Yeerk in her head will have a much more detailed debrief for him later.