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kith is a terrible place to start a cult of asmodeus
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"Sure. Some of the books I read had all kindsa tips on how to make people good at sex and sensible about it, did you get that under general knowledge?"


"Uh, not so I wouldn't rather get it out of a book, I can't sanity-check what I have very well what with myself not really seeing the point."


"There really isn't one, here! It is very weird that they still have it! If I were making people in a world where they did not reproduce I would definitely not come up with this as a form of recreation!" She hands him the book. "Third chapter."


He skims the third chapter. "Do you have any requests, by the by, I imagine that since you didn't make yourself you'll probably want a boyfriend eventually? Girlfriend?"


"Either's fine. In Cheliax girls're more considerate but not in a way I'd expect extends to making them? I would feel weird about tailoring their personality but I guess it's pretty harmless to throw in that they specifically think I'm hot."


"Personality can stay as discussed, they can think you're hot, they were going to have to get along with both of us anyhow," shrugs Daron. "What do you want 'em to look like, that's harder to fuck up since I will not accidentally make one without a nose so I wasn't maintaining a particularly clear image."


"Can you do not looking very like a teenager even though we want to make them a teenager so they have longer to live?" 


"Yeah, I can do a precocious-looking teenager. Plus the half elf thing but that might not work. Not picky otherwise?"


"I have preferences but I'm not an artist and not sure how to describe them and if you push for high splendour to go with the stuffing sorcery in there that ought to cover it."


"All right. You can make the next one if this one's not shiny enough for some reason."

He flips through all his notes, asks if there are last minute considerations, grabs the spare outfit, and creates -

- a pretty, dark-haired young man who looks like he'd be part Tian if he were found on Golarion. He smiles at Carissa, touches the point of his ear, gets dressed. "Hi. I don't know what species I am! Isn't that funny? I guess the fastest way to check would be going somewhere dim and seeing if I have better eyes than you two."


She has an Unseen Servant draw the curtains. "Can you read your spellbook in this light, I can't read mine."


He peers at it. "Nope. Guess I'm a pointy eared human. Oh well." He shrugs and starts writing down the spells he began with. "I think one level of everything you were going for stuck, I'm very well-rounded. I'll be able to scroll my sorcerer spells for you. I think I'll call myself Kytar. You wanted me to do... comparative religion analysis or something? What about?"


"Well, if we can't get home we can't give the place to Asmodeus and probably have to make our own god. And since we have to decide what They'll be like from scratch anyway, it seems - good if They can use humans mostly as we come? Not if it gets in the way of Them being - properly a god - but, like, if whatever they mean to use us for doesn't require us to have capacities that take decades to beat into us it seems like that would save Them a lot of time."


Kytar kind of stares at her. "Well," he says. "I suppose it would probably be worse if you'd shown up a devout follower of, uh, Zon-Kuthon, but that's not a high bar."


She stares back at him. "- most gods can't use most people at all," she clarifies. "They skim off the ones they can use and - I guess we could try for some kind of deal where we create a bunch of gods who all skim off the ones they can use, but there should be at least one who takes everyone. And not just to eat them. And that's only Asmodeus, back home."


"I know this isn't fair of me," he says, "because you are from Cheliax, and also you at least got far enough to realize you needed comparative religion expertise, but, uh, everything you think you know is both wrong and horrifying? Asmodeus is - I mean, I don't know this in an objective sense, but my impression based on what I've got is that Asmodeus is just putting out the 'this way you'll be useful' line to make people resist slightly less his extremely evil plan to torture everyone indefinitely."


" doesn't surprise me that much if that's what people believe in other countries but - that's stupid? Torturing everyone indefinitely wouldn't - accomplish any goals? Why would Asmodeus torture everyone indefinitely in a way that does not accomplish any goals, why would anyone do that, that's not a - if you learn that someone's plan is 'torture everyone indefinitely' you should be suspicious because that's not how planning works."


"I mean, he might have some sort of further goal he means to accomplish," says Kytar. "I don't think there's any reason to think that it's worth pursuing just because he told you so. Lots of gods have plans, even if you only find god-sized plans satisfying, and many people find non-god-sized plans satisfying too."

"Well, we're working on a god-sized one," says Daron.

"Sure, I mean, don't let me stop you, but I don't think you should bake into your design criteria that the god has to want to play dollhouses with you."


"If the god doesn't want us then the god will let us dissolve and I do not wanna dissolve."


Kytar facepalms. "What do you know about, uh, Nirvana - or Axis -"


"Axis is lawful neutral, they won't take you if you're evil or if you're not obedient enough starting out, Abadar mostly cares about wealth so if you're able to make lots of valuable stuff for Him you can be pretty comfortable, eventually Asmodeus is going to destroy all the other afterlives but he's not, like, in a hurry, with Axis, except for the time Aroden tried interfering on the Material plane. Nirvana's - neutral good, they're mostly animals for some reason, they object to accomplishing their goals in an orderly way like Heaven but sometimes they randomly do stuff they think is Good, on the Material plane. Sarenrae smited an entire city of her followers and Hell got all its inhabitants, once. Because she was mad at them for disobeying her, which, like, fair, but it's lucky for them there was another god who would take them despite that."


Kytar groans into his hands. "I think if you ever need to do this again for some other field of knowledge you need to make somebody with a higher tolerance for this kind of conversation," he says.

"I'll make a note of it but you may as well try, we don't want to go too quickly here," says Daron, "we're iterating a lot with each new one."

"Yes, yes, but aaaaugh," says Kytar. "Abadar doesn't own the stuff in Axis. Even in Aktun. I mean, not most of it, he has his library and stuff. Most of the Axis people are just doing normal market transactions with each other so they can have whatever they want. You do have to sort Lawful, but this is in fact a trait Axis shares with Hell at least for now and if the divine balance of power were shaken up enough I have no idea how it'd land, the afterlife sorting thing. And I don't know exactly how Pharasma assesses people, opinions are all every which way, but it is reliably understood to be the case that every single trial she holds, Nirvana sends a lawyer and tries to get the person assigned there."


" - huh. What does Nirvana want them for -"


"That's the wrong question!"


"No! That's the most important question! We need a god who wants everyone and if Nirvana wants everyone that's really promising but - but it matters a lot what parts of them they want, and what they want them for, even if we can't really understand it because we're humans."

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