There is a house, and in the house is a bed, and in the bed is a girl. She sleeps soundly, curled up very small under her blanket, while a steady accumulation of snow makes round soft piles on the roof and against the outsides of the walls.
"Because the cards have said that it is possible for me, and I suspect that they will tell you the same thing."
"Does a future exist where this Kukla girl will return home to her world?"
"Past. Present. Future."
She turns over the rightmost card, the one symbolic of what-will-be.
"Death, upright. The card of endings and transformations. There will be a major change. Another card..."
"Justice, upright. The card of fairness and good descision-making. If you choose well, the way home is not yet barred to you."
"Well, even if you choose to interpret it that pessimistically, it's better than being trapped here, isn't it?"
"Oh." Pause. "I woke up here in a house with people in it. I don't know what to do about them."
"The people there will think you're their daughter. You won't know enough about your relationship to fake it. It will end badly for everyone."
"I'm rich in this world: I own property. I can find you a temporary room easily. If you want your own house, I can also arrange it, but it will take time."