She appears above a bit of frozen wasteland. She falls, conscious but without making a peep, to the ground, and breaks a few more bones.
She lies there.
"Ah. Well, that is something." Leareth and sits back in his chair. "I do have more questions about your world. There are multiple kinds of fairy, correct?"
"Right. And this means you come from a tree, and the tree you come from has some special properties, such as your being able to reshape it at will and being a safe place for you? Are there other properties that leaflets have which are not universal among fairies?"
"Each leaflet is immune to some specific kind of sorcery. I don't know if there are duplicates or not. Plus we look different - the wings, every fairy has wings but they vary - and also we're among the more mortal-looking."
"Fascinating. What are the kinds of sorcery, for that purpose - also what kind are you immune to?"
"Fair enough." Slight smile. Leareth pauses; he has a lot of questions and is trying to put them in order. "Do mortals from your 'mortal world' look the same as us here?"
"I've only seen one but you look like the same sort of thing, and like the pictures, yes."
Nod. "Interesting. I wonder why. Anyway, what are the kinds of fairy other than leaflets?"
"I don't know them all, there are so many. There's - glowgolds and patient mossies and pollenclouds and painted tailwings and, uh, razorfeet, and berrybushes, and - there's so many."
"That is a great many! Hmm. I am curious to hear more about their differing traits, for the ones you know that about."
"Of those glowgolds and razorfeet are breeding kinds... I think glowgolds like to leave their children in the mortal world and steal mortals directly from there, sometimes. They glow. Razorfeet are kind of mean or at least the colony that lived near me was. Patient mossies can turn themselves to stone for predetermined intervals whenever they like and they often do that when people are bothering them. Pollenclouds give off pollen, inhaling that can work like a food claim, and they're little -" She gestures about ten inches high. "Painted tailwings - I forget actually what the one I knew could do, it must not have been very good - pretty wings though. Berrybushes have antlers and grow berries on them, those are strong food claims. Knifewings have claws and sharp wings and they can claw through any material they want. Some fairies aren't kinds, they're one-offs, but I've never met any of those, they're very rare... Creekpearls exist and I'd recognize one but I don't know much else about them... broadears can hear from far away, dewflowers heal fast, shrublies I don't know what they do, sunshine tepals are breeders but I don't know if they have anything else..."
"Do you know where fairies come from and why there are so many varieties of them?"
"It depends on the kind where we come from, leaflets do the tree thing. I don't know, like, why fairies exist at all."
Leareth nods. "What sort of society do fairies have? Are there cities, do the different kinds live together in groups...?"
"Not really cities, I don't think courts tend to get that big. Different kinds live together as often as not but usually a breeder colony is all that one kind."
"And a 'court', does that refer to a structure of vassal fairies under a master?"
Leareth glances at Nayoki. "N– er, Sunspring said that you did not recommend we tangle with Thorn. Does he have considerable resources?"