She appears above a bit of frozen wasteland. She falls, conscious but without making a peep, to the ground, and breaks a few more bones.
She lies there.
"Water? Also I don't know how convenient it will be for you and Sunspring to be available to feed me, so if that's going to be only sometimes available, I should eat now. ...something more like, uh, a plant? Than the thing from before, which wasn't much like a plant."
"Like, vegetables, you mean? Bread is made of flour from grain, so it's from a plant originally, but I guess there's a lot of steps, and butter is from cow's milk so not a plant. I can make you up a meal that's mostly vegetables and beans or something. I don't know what your other nutritional needs are."
"Maybe nothing but maybe I find that random people involved in growing or harvesting or preparing it can give me orders."
And about half a candlemark later, someone else enters the room with Nayoki.
"Promise," he says to her. "I understand your arrival here was accidental, but nonetheless, welcome to Velgarth."
"I am curious how exactly your name-magic works. If the name I go by here is one I chose for myself, not one I was born with, does that count, or is it a nickname for your purposes?"
"It does not." It's entirely unrelated to the name his original body once bore, which no one alive now can connect to him; it was chosen for a word in ancient Kaled'a'in, meaning 'the night sky' or 'the stars.' "You can call me Leareth."
He smiles slightly, then sits down.
"I am trying to decide how best to approach this. I - am quite invested in learning more about your world, because discovering the existence of another world seems like one of the most important things that has ever happened, and - it may offer better solutions to Velgarth's problems than the ones I had available before, so it calls for significant reevaluation. I also have considerable resources that may help with your problems, whatever those are, and - obviously the best position from which to learn about another world, is one where I can be allied with a native. However, we know very little about one another right now, and so I am not yet comfortable sharing sensitive information with you, and I expect you might have hesitations as well."
"Strategic information on my plans, mostly, in cases where secrecy is key because various people - or gods - will interfere if there is any opportunity. I am not ruling out telling you at some point, and there are many less specific things I am willing to share that will, I hope, let you make your own evaluation."
"Ah. Fair enough. I am not sure what you would consider sensitive, but - my point is that I understand if you would be reluctant to tell me certain things before you know what I would do with that knowledge. And - I am judging it incorrect, here, to try to learn things against your will."
Leareth pauses for a while, thinking. "Do you have a way to return to Fairyland with magic, if you wish to?"
"This world also has magic which may be able to achieve this, though it is likely to require extensive research."