She appears above a bit of frozen wasteland. She falls, conscious but without making a peep, to the ground, and breaks a few more bones.
She lies there.
"Raspberries! My bush of them isn't ready yet." She's collecting raspberries off her bush, but then she burns it to the ground and plants the berries over again.
Sure, she can have some of the rest of Promise's dinner. Tonight it's not salad though, she has quick-roasted some roots with sorcery.
"You too."
In the morning Promise eats breakfast and packs lunch and is all set to go south again.
Woodlark doesn't emerge to see her off, but Leareth does come out from the library. "Ready to go?"
"I hope it goes well." And Leareth calls over one of the mages to Gate her back to the northern border Guard-post.
"You're welcome!"
Again, this requires a message being sent down the Mindspeech relay so that Wingsister can do a Gate from Haven. General comes back to wait with Promise once she's passed on said message, and makes conversation. She wants to know if Fairyland has war, and if so what that's like? It's of interest to her because she's a military commander in Valdemar.
"Fairyland has conflict. I wouldn't generally describe it as war. It's all about who can envassal whom first. Property damage and injuries are mostly incidental on the way to that goal."
"Are strategy and tactics concepts that make sense, there? I mean, are there kinds of approach that work better for, er, envassalling people faster than your enemies can, or whatever?"
"- Gods. I...guess...that'd make sense in that context. Gah. I - never thought about how glad I am that torture is almost never the best tactical move in wars here. I mean, at least not if you've got Thoughtsensers or Truth Spell. Which I guess fairies don't have." General looks so unhappy about this.