She appears above a bit of frozen wasteland. She falls, conscious but without making a peep, to the ground, and breaks a few more bones.
She lies there.
Woodlark has not left his room. He's still huddled in the bed, and doesn't quite make eye contact with Leareth.
Leareth sits down in the chair beside Woodlark's bed, and when it becomes apparent he isn't going to speak, turns to Promise. "What have you already discussed?"
"I just asked him what was up, and he said his Companion ran off after they talked about gods, and that she said something to the Groveborn but he doesn't know what. And I said I went to Haven and nobody I met seemed angry."
Nod. "Hmm. Woodlark, you fear they will be angry because the Heraldic system is based so strongly on the ethical standards of Companions being trustworthy, and so this fight will throw your ethics into doubt in their minds?"
Leareth has so little idea what to do about this! He starts to open his mouth, closes it again, glances at Promise.
She doesn't really know what to do about it either! "They... have the truth spell? And can ask if you did anything besides... have a conversation?"
Vanyel struggles visibly to stop crying enough that he can talk. Or sort of talk, at least, he's not very coherent and his voice is choked, hard to understand.
"I - scared - can't..." Shiver.
"It feels as though it will be too much, right now, submitting to their questions under Truth Spell?"
"That make sense. It would be well to do it sooner rather than later, though, or find another way to reassure them that I am not holding you here against your will. Perhaps you need not return to Haven, though? If I can accompany you to a neutral location, and let them ask you a small number of questions to reassure themselves you were not kidnapped?"
"They did separately want to find a way to talk to Leareth also for Truth Spell purposes. - it didn't really feel invasive? I didn't feel it at all. The other kind would be much worse but I don't see why it would be called for."
"Woodlark, would it help you feel more at ease with this if Promise returns first and speaks directly to the Groveborn about his conversation with your Companion? And what parts of it he actually relayed to the Heralds? In your place, I would find it - grounding, to know where I stood with them."
"We ought make sure that we have everything lined up to cover this time, so we are not doing pointless extra Gates and trips for Promise. Woodlark, do you also want Promise to ask the Heralds questions, or - convey some information from you?"
"Um. It depends what the Groveborn told them? I - if they are angry, I d-don't want you to say anything more. If they're not, I..." He gulps, blinks. "If they're worried maybe you should tell them I'm all right?"