She appears above a bit of frozen wasteland. She falls, conscious but without making a peep, to the ground, and breaks a few more bones.
She lies there.
"That's certainly the impression I got." Wingsister shifts her weight, her eyes going unfocused as she presumably Mindspeaks someone else. She's quiet the rest of the time that Promise spends staring at patients.
Promise heals everybody they put in front of her. De-aging the same people doesn't require additional staring, if they want it.
"Er, we've got another destination after this one," Wingsister says. "If you're still up for that."
Children are weird. (She doesn't tell them this.) "Okay? Same thing or another meeting or what?"
"Er, for healing mainly, but involving people who kind of want to meet you diplomatically. I don't think there'll be much in the way of specific questions, at this point, just - our Council will feel more comfortable with the whole bizarre situation if they've seen your face."
Whenever she's done healing all the patients here, Wingsister leads her back across the gardens to the original ancient stone building.
And another man is there, young but not exactly healthy-looking. He stands. "Welcome, Promise. I'm the King. It's an honour to have you visiting us in Valdemar."
The King takes a deep breath. Glances over at his Council.
"- I have an illness that seems incurable to our Healing," he says quietly. "If you're able to fix that, it would help us a great deal, and - given everything, I've decided that I trust you to try."
"I'll see what I can do. I only have the one spell, but it's supposed to work on anything."
"There's gardening, and fairies will cut trees to build things, and dig up pretty rocks, but we don't live in groups as big as you do so it's smaller scale."
She does the King first, since that's simple, then asks all the old people how young they wish to be.
Her aim isn't perfect (one person will have to wait a few years to restore the desired silver) but yes, she can try to aim for those decades.
:If you would rather not shake anyone's hand, I'll politely deflect them: Wingsister tells her in Mindspeech, since she doesn't know if fairies have that practice at all and it might be uncomfortable for them.