She appears above a bit of frozen wasteland. She falls, conscious but without making a peep, to the ground, and breaks a few more bones.
She lies there.
"Does it let you hurt someone too?" the King's Own interjects. "If you spend enough time with them to heal them, can you also harm - kill - them...?"
Wingsister almost barks Tran's name at him; she stops herself barely in time and settles for a glare. "I assume you don't intend to hurt anyone here, Promise," she says dryly. "If you can confirm your peaceful intent under Truth Spell, I think it's fine."
"I don't intend to harm anyone and have taken steps to make it harder for anyone to oblige me to."
"Good." Wingsister nods approvingly. "Then, if you're willing, I think we'd like you to de-age the Council. And maybe heal some patients our Healers can't fix, if it's not too much trouble." She glances at the window. "Maybe tomorrow, though, it's getting late."
The King's Own walks her back out there. He's courteous enough, but again, not very talkative.
She sings and the tree grows and eventually she can juuust slip inside, if she's willing to tolerate very close quarters in there, but she is and she tucks herself in to the wood and goes to sleep.
She's sitting at the foot of her tree while a branch bends itself to drop haws into her hand for breakfast. "It was fine, thank you."
She collects a handful more haws, pops them into her mouth, and gets up. "Sure. Which way?"
Wingsister gestures for Promise to follow her, across the field back to one of the paths and then along it.
"We got a reply from Leareth," she adds. "He said that apparently V– er, Woodlark, is claiming he doesn't want to come back to Haven." She sounds so suspicious about this.
"I don't know a whole lot about why that might be, I don't know what he'd be expecting if he came back."
"That's fair. Um, given this, though - we're thinking about whether it makes sense to ask you to go back north, talk to him, and then maybe come here again? Though perhaps Leareth would also be willing to volunteer one of his people to come down and be Truth Spelled about it, if you'd rather not make the multiple trips."
"I don't mind making trips as long as I have a tree on both ends. I used to fly hundreds of miles every day just foraging and exploring."
"Goodness! We don't really have flying with magic at all, here. You must be able to fly pretty fast, to make that feasible." They've reached another, different stone building. This one looks a little newer and has slightly higher ceilings, though flying inside is still cramped.
"I'm River," a plump, cheerful looking woman says to Promise. "One of the Healers. I'm told you have a kind of magic called sorcery, that's very good for healing?"
"I can do seventy miles an hour," she tells Wingsister, and, "Yes, but I need to look at whoever I'm healing for about ten minutes before it'll go. I can do some of that in parallel if there's a group all in a room."
River had already been alerted of this, and has a number of patients lined up in a single large room for her!
"Does Fairyland have lots of interesting sights to explore?" Wingsister asks her, mostly to make conversation.
"Sure. It's mostly a lot prettier and more interesting-looking than here, I've been wondering why that is, maybe animals make the scenery uglier or something. Lots of flowers, lots of trees and moss and mushrooms and ivy and bushes. Seasons and days work differently, I'm from a place where it's usually autumn and afternoon."
"Huh! I'm wondering if it's a climate thing, the prettiness - I've heard there are kingdoms down south with gorgeous jungles and forests. Here a lot of our plants die every winter and grow back in spring. It's late autumn here right now, really not the prettiest time of year, the field is all soggy because it's been raining a lot."
"It does rain in Fairyland. But even the winter places are pretty. They have pine trees and ice formations and frozen lakes."