She appears above a bit of frozen wasteland. She falls, conscious but without making a peep, to the ground, and breaks a few more bones.
She lies there.
"Thanks. It's going to get very big and you shouldn't have me plant it anywhere it'll shade things that want sun."
"...till we're done? I would prefer to sleep in it so I have to grow it big enough to fit me."
"Huh!" She whistles under her breath. "Impressive. Anyway, I'll have someone show you the way."
The King's Own can do that, and help her find a place in the gardens that's well away from commonly-used paths, and where it'll be fine for some of the lawn to be shaded. He's mostly quiet, but seems a bit less tense in her presence than at the start.
She sticks her tree branch in the ground, has a look around the area, and starts growing it.
The King's Own hails a gardener and asks him to put up a rope fence around the soon-to-be-tree and a sign telling people not to eat it, it's very important. Oh and he should add on the sign that no one should introduce themselves by name to the woman there; the Heralds all know but he's not sure it's successfully reached all the servants and such yet, not that they exactly make a habit of spontaneous introductions.
The King's Own seems slightly tempted to stay and listen to her singing, but he heads off instead to reconvene with the rest of the Heralds.
About a candlemark later he's back to collect her. "The others are ready to meet again, if now is all right for you?"
Wingsister is there. "Promise. Have a seat. Our first question now is - do you know anything about how Woodlark is doing? And can you clarify what you observed of his arrival there? Leareth claimed in his message that it wasn't a kidnapping, that Woodlark Gated himself out there, but obviously we'd like another perspective on that."
"I healed him but he still wasn't feeling well, I think it was something about his Companion? I didn't see him arrive, they called me in for the healing spell."
"Mmm." Longish pause. "...Is your impression that Leareth would, in fact, let Woodlark return when he wants to?"
There are glances around the room. They don't seem entirely reassured, but maybe a little.
"Obviously we would like him back home," Wingsister says, slowly. "Things are - a little complicated - but still. Do you have a way of sending messages to Leareth, or is it simplest for us to drop off a letter at the spot he gave?"
"I could try asking the Star-Eyed with your Heartstone but it's not what you'd call elegant. Letter at the spot is your best bet."
She gestures with her chin to one of the other Heralds. "Can you get that moving? Good. - Promise, the rest of our questions for right now are mostly about trying to understand you, and where you're from, this Fairyland. Can you give us the short version on what Fairyland's like and what the main differences are that you've noticed so far between there and this world? And then maybe we can better pin down what our remaining questions are."
"Fairyland is an infinite landscape with many kinds of fairies and no animals but lots of plants. Our social structures consist almost entirely of various flavors of magical slavery. Most kinds of fairies don't breed; my kind does not, so I have never been a child."