She appears above a bit of frozen wasteland. She falls, conscious but without making a peep, to the ground, and breaks a few more bones.
She lies there.
"I wished to know if you were willing to share your real name with Promise. She has shown no inclination so far to abuse her power, and in fact you would have observed her healing the Tayledras even though they are the ones who attacked her unprovoked. If you did, I would be comfortable meeting face to face."
"Of course. I understand the magnitude of my request, here. I do not think it is the only option. If you were willing to have a compulsion–"
"Yes. Fine." Vanyel still seems kind of distracted, though. "I, er, I'm a little readier to believe that you've really changed your mind about Valdemar, now. Since I've seen someone with my own eyes who claims to be working with you and can do magic that shouldn't be possible. Just, it's pretty important to be right on something big? And so I want more context."
"I understand. I can tell you my side of things now, if you wish, awaiting confirmation once we have a meeting arranged?"
Then Leareth can recount a summary of all the events since Promise's mysterious arrival in the north, including her learning Vkandis' name in a poorly-vetted book, the subsequent surprise attack, the fights, his own near-death, and the resolution.
Vanyel listens with an increasingly stony expression.
"Thank you," he says distantly, when Leareth stops speaking. "I, er, she has a positive impression of you. Promise does, I mean. It surprised me."
"Given her origins and powers, I had a strong incentive to be friendly and cooperative with her."
"Er, I'm not sure, I need to think."
Vanyel does not, in fact, have any questions before the dream ends.
Leareth wakes up, jots down some quick notes, sighs, and goes back to sleep.
In the morning he checks whether Promise is in the dining hall or library.
"I spoke to Woodlark in the dream last night. He had not seen the letter, it sounds as though he only just now returned from the Pelagirs. In any case, he wanted more time to consider my proposal that he tell you his name." Leareth frowns. "What was his manner like, when you spoke in k'Treva?"
"Uh, he seemed - preoccupied? Wrongfooted? He wanted to know what I was doing - what you were 'getting me to do', was his phrasing - and I said I wasn't sure it was any of his business and he said it was if it affected his country and I told him I didn't know how countries worked."
"Hmm. He also seemed very preoccupied when I spoke with him. It was as though he could only half follow our conversation. I - am not sure what is going on, and whether to be worried."
"I can't help you there, I'd never met him before and don't know what he's normally like."
"I know. Likely there is nothing to do except wait for his correspondence. Just, I think I am missing context here and I dislike it." Sigh. "Unrelatedly, do you need anything else right now?"