She appears above a bit of frozen wasteland. She falls, conscious but without making a peep, to the ground, and breaks a few more bones.
She lies there.
"I do not actually know its exact location. Likely at least a hundred miles in from where the Pelagirs begin, though. Perhaps a leshya'e could have someone Gate out to retrieve you."
"Over a hundred miles, on the other side of the mountains, but one of my mages can transport you to nearby. As long as they scry the site first and do not cross, it ought be safe enough even if the Star-Eyed's people would attempt offensive action against my people." Pause. "It might be better to tell the leshya'e that you wish to heal anyone at any Vale who was seriously injured and evacuated, since I do not think Demonsbane's dream with me is known by his friends and I do not wish to cause difficulties for him."
Nod. "I would appreciate if you are willing to do this. One hopes that so will the Tayledras affected, though I am unsure how they feel about - well, all of this."
"They let me heal the ones who were here." Shrug. "I want to plant these and get them sprouted and then I'll be ready to go."
"Yes, of course. Just alert me when you are ready and I will have someone transport you to the edge of the Pelagirs."
She flies west till she sees some kind of indication that there's a border between different environments.
Ooh, glowing flowers. She lands near some glowing flowers and calls the nickname the leshya'e gave her in case that works.
"Hello. I'd like to travel to the Vales from which the incursion was drawn to heal the injured there. Is this agreeable?"
Promise does not really think highly of birds but she tolerates it. Inspects the glowing flowers.
"I'm pretty good with plant magic." She looks closely at the flowers so she'll be better able to keep them alive on the return journey.