She appears above a bit of frozen wasteland. She falls, conscious but without making a peep, to the ground, and breaks a few more bones.
She lies there.
She emerges the next morning with her copied book. "Is there anyone who needs to be de-aged now? I could start working on picking this up."
"Excellent." That is such a happy Leareth! "I think no one at this base is especially in need of de-aging, but some of my researchers elsewhere are elderly. I can arrange for them to be Gated over."
People are excited to drift up when they have a minute and watch what her new seeds are going to grow into!
A day later, half a dozen grey-haired, wrinkly-skinned human mage-scholars arrive from other facilities. They're very excited to meet her and learn about her magic and how it can treat old age! Healers can't do that - mages can slow aging, but not reverse it.
"Well, I've never done this before, but it doesn't look that hard. I will need to stare at whoever's going first for a while."
Nope. She is herself slightly magically interesting (so is her tree) but the staring is just staring.
She does want supper, and then she thinks she's all set to try! "I have never done this before and in particular do not have much experience with how the whole being a child thing works," she tells her subject, "so it's possible I'll mistarget, what age do you want me to aim for?"
That is between Sapphire and her Sight.
"I should be able to do with less staring time going forward now that I've tried the technique."
She looks at the remaining subjects and asks them for target ages and one at a time, each holding a mirror while she goes nice and slow, de-ages them all.