She appears above a bit of frozen wasteland. She falls, conscious but without making a peep, to the ground, and breaks a few more bones.
She lies there.
Nod. "Anyway, we can start with finding a library in Valley Continent, and figure out the rest in time."
"That makes sense." Leareth is around for help if she needs it, and can, as before, stop by the fairy gate every so often to check on her with Mindspeech.
:Still fine:
:You could probably deliver orders this way, maybe have Sunspring occasionally rescind all mine as a safety:
:Found a breeder court:
:All's well:
:Met a mixed court:
:Found some good seeds:
Sunspring can be found and sent to rescind all of Promise's orders via Mindspeech every half-candlemark or so.
:Got directions to a library. It's hours away, I might come back and head straight there when I've slept:
Leareth is working, but he emerges briefly to congratulate her on finding the library.
"Yep. Wandered around foraging, got directions to a library and a bunch of new kinds of plants."
Promise will tell her what the plants are and let people watch her install them in the garden.
She'll go find the library; she hasn't been there yet, just got a bearing and landmarks and a guess at a distance.
Off she flies the next morning.
Nayoki decides to just relocate all of her work to the Work Room so she can sit there and every so often poke her head through the Gate and check in on Promise plus just-in-case rescind all orders.
Promise is fine and uninterrupted the whole way there. She tells Nayoki when she's reached the library and when she's found the book she wants; she brought her own paper to copy it into and spends a few hours on that.
She must be very fast at copying! It takes scribes dozens if not hundreds of candlemarks to copy entire books.
Leareth is in the Work Room with Nayoki, reading through something, when she gets back.