She appears above a bit of frozen wasteland. She falls, conscious but without making a peep, to the ground, and breaks a few more bones.
She lies there.
"I don't think they're as good as mage ones, it's basically a special application of fairylights, but maybe it's possible to do differently and I just don't know about it."
"You can invent techniques very slowly or learn them out of a book or be taught. I mostly learned from books."
Nod. Sapphire looks like she wants to say something, stops herself, and then thinks for a while. "Is it especially dangerous for you to go explore the area around your other Gate, the one on a different continent, and find out if they've got libraries? I don't know how hard it is for fairies to learn each other's names."
"It's not especially dangerous, but it would probably take a while, libraries are probably less dense on other continents than on Queenscontinent and even there they were pretty far apart."
"Mmm. Those we maybe could get the same way we got the branch, with Fetching and Farsight– Oh!" Sapphire's eyes suddenly go wide. "Just had a thought. Maybe we could steal you some of Thorn's books the same way we got your cutting? Have Leareth Gate a Fetcher-Farseer to a nice hidden spot a mile away, and if you draw us a map he could Farsee inside the library and yoink some books. I guess the trouble is that someone would probably notice, though, even if they didn't notice the last expedition."
"I... don't think I want Thorn to get the idea that I'm somewhere - in reach. Even if I don't specifically know what he'd do. The tree was worth it and lower risk that anyone would even be there."
Leareth is working, but it's not urgent and he sets it aside to see her. "Yes?"
"I have been told that everyone's under the impression that mortals can't learn to be sorcerers but they can."
He blinks, then is still for a moment. "Ah. Interesting. I feel rather embarrassed I did not directly ask, now." He doesn't look embarrassed, though, just thoughtful and curious. "Is it something you are interested in teaching to any mortals in this world?"