She appears above a bit of frozen wasteland. She falls, conscious but without making a peep, to the ground, and breaks a few more bones.
She lies there.
Leareth nods, looking a lot more interested than Sapphire did. "I see. Does this area have harmonics? I suppose it must, since you can do sorcery here - can you describe them...?"
"In general terms, yes. For higher granularity there's a notation but it's rather horrible since it's trying to compress so much. The harmonics around here are actually really boring though, probably because there's not much going on - they're more complicated around my plants, living things have harmonic effects -" She can point out where there are "cliffs" and "peaks" and "slopes".
"Can you describe mine?" Leareth has a better sense of his own body according to mage-sight than he does with most things, and can try to see if any of it maps over.
"I haven't mapped you. I can though - pick a pose you don't mind holding for a while -" She surrounds him with fairylights, points out how she made them all alike and very weakly so they're responding in brightness and color and flicker to background conditions.
"This looks like pretty normal person-harmonics apart from how you don't have wings and all of it's a little more unstable because you're mortal," she concludes when she's gone over the highlights. "It'd probably look different if you were doing magic."
Leareth demonstrates half a dozen spells, a shield and a mage-light and an illusion and a teensy-tiny Gate from one hand to the other.
Those definitely make the lights freak out! In different ways. She points them out as they go by. She has to replace a few that are broken entirely by energetic harmonics.
Interesting. Leareth watches closely - do the changes in his harmonics map at all to where his own mage-sight thinks he's moving energy?
"Fascinating!" Leareth notes this to Promise. "- May I come up and watch you do sorcery on your garden or something, with mage-sight, so I can see if my senses pick up on those harmonics as well?"
Leareth watches intently with mage-sight.
"Can you do the lights at the same time?" he asks her.
Leareth stares intently at it, trying to tell if it also matches up to his sense of the energies moving.
It's not far off! The harmonics are almost more like a schematic diagram of, say, a plumbing system, laying out paths for the energy to take, than an actual reflection of the motion.
Leareth gets out paper, which he nearly always has on him, and starts sketching an approximation of the harmonics and then how his mage-sight sees the energy moving through the pathways offered.
So she does. It's awful. It's got to be done in colors and very tiny handwriting to cover so much as a six inch cube on one sheet of paper in any detail, though the broad strokes of a larger area can be described - cliffs and approximate steepnesses of grades and shorthand amounting to "tricky weird tangle" - in a more abbreviated form.
"That is definitely a frustrating notation!" Leareth agrees. "I wonder if I could figure out how to get it in three dimensions with an illusion, somehow... It would not scale, though, most mages cannot do illusions with that skill."