She appears above a bit of frozen wasteland. She falls, conscious but without making a peep, to the ground, and breaks a few more bones.
She lies there.
"I would like to be more confident that I understand all the possible side effects first, and it's an hour's flight back to ask Leareth about it."
"Ah. Well, do you wish that I stay here and wait for you to decide, or that I give you the direction for how to build a shrine later in hopes that ordering Her would work?" She dips her chin, briefly. "It would be more likely to work if you were south of the mountains and thus closer to Her Pelagirs territory."
Promise listens carefully - she hasn't had a chance to take notes in fifty years, she's all right at memorization now. "Is there anything else I should know?"
"Okay. Uh, thank you. You can see yourselves home."
And she flies back to the staircase and goes down.
Leareth is in the dining hall talking to some of his people, and turns when he sees her. "So?"
"I have been taught how to make a shrine and it might work to command her to consecrate it. I didn't authorize constructing one prophylactically since it seems you might not like that."
"I see. Thank you. I - would not have been upset with you, if you had, it seems important that you can speak with Her - I assume that is why a shrine is helpful? And it would not give Her much local power. Nonetheless, I would be quite uneasy about a shrine existing anywhere near me."
"I will scry the site in a few minutes and check. Thank you." Leareth smiles, tight and brief. "If that is all, I should let you go on having your break and not doing things."
"...I have no idea, I do not normally work from here much." Leareth glances around, waves at a man just getting up from his table. "Dasher," they all have nicknames now too, "can you help Promise find drawing supplies?"
Promise will follow Dasher to wherever drawing supplies may be and collect some and take them back to her room. And draw.
It transpires that Promise draws plants, lots of them, very prettily, and papers her room with them, and prefers to eat twice a day.
Leareth also seems very busy. He's around on and off, and nods to Promise when he sees her in the dining hall but doesn't initiate any conversation.