She appears above a bit of frozen wasteland. She falls, conscious but without making a peep, to the ground, and breaks a few more bones.
She lies there.
"All right." And Leareth gets a map and then ushers Promise up the narrow winding staircase all the way to the surface. There's a heavy door which opens into the back of an overhang at the top of a cliff, invisible from most angles. They're about halfway up into the Ice Wall Mountains, on the northern face; it's windy and frigid.
Leareth unfolds the map and shows her the relative locations of the two sites, squinting against the wind. "...Can you fly in this weather - will you be cold?"
It's not as nice as a Fairyland landscape, even a winter one, but it's all right. It's nice to stretch her wings. Zoom zoom zoom.
"I don't think there exists a way for me to get to the Moonpaths as needed without Leareth along. Is there another way the Star-Eyed can send a representative?"
"Okay. That might work. And I will keep in mind the option of traveling to Her territory or asking for transit to the Moonpaths and that's probably enough options."