She appears above a bit of frozen wasteland. She falls, conscious but without making a peep, to the ground, and breaks a few more bones.
She lies there.
"I am sure someone can Gate her to near the Iftel border in the region north of Valdemar," Nayoki suggests. "I can take care of that, if you bring me to where she is, I do not think I have a Gate-location there."
"All right. Leareth can Gate all of us over to collect her, you can talk to her, and then I will take her to the nearest military barracks and find a mage who has travelled near Iftel, and both of you can - go somewhere that has guest rooms, I suppose."
"I might just sleep in the records cache." It's only midmorning but he was woken in the middle of the night and has done so many Gates and nearly died repeatedly and he's exhausted. "Promise, if you want to go elsewhere, though, I can probably eke out one more Gate after this one."
"All right. I will Gate all of us back to the records cache," Leareth glances at his other people, "- oh, have either of you been to one of the other research facilities within your Gate-range?" He gives them the approximate location. He's not delighted at the number of people who will now have a Gate-location in his private records, but it's hardly the worst consequence of today.
Promise goes through Gates. Tells the soldier she may proceed back to Iftel by means nonviolently available to her taking no extraneous actions and then her orders will be rescinded. Goes to the guest room. Goes to sleep.
Leareth, even more exhausted and distant-feeling after the Gate to the records room, follows the other mage through the second Gate on automatic, somehow manages to brief some of the others on what's just happened, and then escapes as soon as he can to another guest-room and flops down on the bed.
Somehow he's still tense, despite the fatigue, and it takes him a while to actually fall asleep.
Leareth is sitting in an armchair in said common area, looking like he, too, has quite recently woken up. He nods vaguely to her.
"Technically it is nearly evening, I think, we got very thrown off normal time by that." Leareth drags a hand over his face. "Are you all right?" He feels like he should be asking something more specific, but his head is still gluey from just waking up. Or from the entire last few days, maybe. He feels even more steps behind now than earlier.
"I am trying to predict what is even going to happen next, and - confused. The Star-Eyed and Vk– and Sunlord cannot harm you, but They can still harm me and may further attempt it. There are also other gods - in particular, the god of the Valdemar and Rethwellan regions, south of here, is not by my knowledge worshipped under any name, and I am not sure what They are going to do..."
He rubs his eyes. "Or what I should do about it. At least it seems clear that - you do not need me to be fully on top of the situation, in order to be safe, you are more than capable of taking care of yourself and saving my life. That is something of a relief."
"Oh, she wanted to suggest that I should murder you? I don't know why she thought that would work."
"I see." Leareth seems neither offended nor surprised. "Did she attempt to give reasons? I - have in fact done many very ruthless things. And - would have done worse, in the future, except that it seems I definitely have better ways of fighting the gods now, so I owe you a great deal for that as well."
"I mean, she said that, but I didn't have a way to check up and am not really disposed to be their assassin under any of the circumstances let alone all of them."
Leareth shakes his head a little. "They did not exactly leave a good first impression with you, did they. Personally, I think that if They had wanted your cooperation and aid, they should have done what I did and tried very hard to demonstrate friendliness. Of course, They are gods, who do not understand people all that well, and Their Foresight impressions of you must be very muddled, so They are operating half-blind right now."
"I prefer not to do any horrible things, if non-horrible alternatives exist." Sigh. "It - does seem fair to you, to know more about my past, and be able to make an informed decision on whether you still wish to be on friendly terms. I want you as an ally, very badly; you have incredible powers, and you very clearly want good things to happen and not bad things. I had planned to gradually tell you more, as I got a better read on you, but instead, events happened very fast."