She appears above a bit of frozen wasteland. She falls, conscious but without making a peep, to the ground, and breaks a few more bones.
She lies there.
"I can muddle through with Shin'a'in," Leareth confesses. "If you know the Velvari tongue, I do not speak that."
Leareth can't understand what she's saying, and also has paced further off. He really hates the feeling of being out of the loop, but - well, he's already pretty committed to trusting Promise here, far she's paid back that trust with interest. He waits.
She seems a bit nonplussed. "He has done many great evils. He kills for blood-power. He is - was - planning something, we do not know what, but he is fighting the gods of this world, and She saw darkness across a thousand possible futures. Also, in exchange They would not even try to interfere with your life going forward. That seems of value to you."
"She could be making any of that up for all I know. What I know is that he was hospitable to me and They murdered a bunch of people not even for whatever 'blood-power' is but just for no reason at all."
Blue eyes look steadily at her. There's still something vaguely disconcerting about the woman's manner. "I see. They did not expect you to agree but - since it seems you would be capable of it if you did choose to..." She bows her head. "In that case, if you agree not to interfere in Karse or Iftel, or in the Pelagirs or the Dhorisha Plains, then They will not impede you in your activities anywhere else in Velgarth."
"I have no plans to go to any of those places. If I wish to renegotiate something is there a way I can call you?"
"All right. Thank you. What does the Sunlord need leave to do to resume normal operations?"
"You may resume shielding Iftel," she tells Vkandis, "and you may communicate in your customary manner with your people."