She appears above a bit of frozen wasteland. She falls, conscious but without making a peep, to the ground, and breaks a few more bones.
She lies there.
She appears above a bit of frozen wasteland. She falls, conscious but without making a peep, to the ground, and breaks a few more bones.
She lies there.
Sunspring can take her to the dining hall and select a plate of food per her requests, mostly minimally-processed fruits and vegetables; one of the cooks was alerted to her dietary preferences and dug out a selection of nuts as well. Sunspring carries the food to a different room and uncomplainingly hand-feeds Promise.
"I am going to bed fairly soon," Sunspring says once she's done. "Do you want to be set up in one of the guest rooms now? I am not sure how much fairies sleep compared to humans."
"Humans sleep about the same, perfect, we should be awake tomorrow when you are." Sunspring leads her off to a guest room. It has a bed, a wardrobe, a small desk with a jug of water and a water glass on it, and a chamberpot in the corner. "Spare blankets in the wardrobe," Sunspring says. "Do you need anything else?"
And she's woken in the middle of the night by some sort of loud magical alarm, followed seconds later by shouts and running footsteps in the hall.
For a few seconds everyone is too panicked to answer, and then someone manages to process the question, spins around to her. "Don't know! We're under attack!"
"- where's Leareth?"
"Has anyone seen Nayoki?"
Everyone is talking over each other at once and that's just the out-loud conversations, but the initial panic is fairly quickly turning to order; most of the staff here aren't even combat trained but they have protocols.
Has anyone seen who? - oh. Well.
Promise backs into the doorframe of her room to stay out of the way, since she has not trained with these people in combat.
And then Leareth is there, pushing past some others. :Do not use anyone's name: he reminds everyone in Mindspeech.
"I think we should consider evacuating," he says out loud. "We are not equipped to hold this off."
And he spins around. "Promise. We appear to be under attack by the forces of, I am guessing, several Velgarth gods. Did you do something yesterday to attract Their attention."
Somewhere above is the sound of a muffled explosion. It doesn't reach them, but the ceiling shakes, and several people shriek in surprise.
"They're Gating in more troops - mages–" someone with a scrying-artifact yelps.
"There is no way that this is a coincidence." Leareth's voice is level, his expression entirely neutral. "We should get out now, but - I am concerned They are following her - you, plaid shirt," he doesn't remember the woman's chosen nickname and can't call her by her name, "Gate her somewhere else. Do it now."
He starts to raise a Gate of his own, large enough to accommodate several people abreast so they can get out fast -
Which is the point at which another, shockingly violent explosion happens above them, and the ceiling caves in on their heads.
Promise hasn't studied the ceiling enough to do magic to it; she gets squished. She heals herself - and then continues being under a chunk of ceiling she can't shift, so she does it again, and again.
Leareth lies there half-stunned for a moment, blinking, his multiple layers of shield-talisman just barely holding off the force of a lot of rock - he can't actually move, at all, he managed to fling a shield up to slow it and distribute the force, but he lost all the energies in his Gate and he's tired.
Focus. Move. He needs to be not here.
Who's still alive. Nayoki - he can't find at all, he hopes she Gated out. Promise - right there, it looks like her Thoughtsensing talisman was damaged. He doesn't read her thoughts but he can gauge where she is, not far from him at all. She's in worse shape than him, she didn't have any physical shielding at all, but she seems to be healing herself repeatedly, which works okay.
Taking a deep enough breath to speak is hard, and he doubts she would even hear him.
:I am going to attempt to get us out: he tells her in Mindspeech.
Okay she replies in little points of light drawn in the air in front of him since she can neither talk nor mindspeak right now.
This is going to be such a mess, Leareth thinks, as he forms the threshold of a Gate under them, flush with the floor. Or what used to be the floor, anyway, it's not in great shape. It takes him longer than usual, casting while pinned flat under a lot of weight is challenging. He can't get anyone else out, too far away, but fortunately he was right next to Promise.
...maybe unfortunately, if the gods somehow tracked her here, but he can't not get her out.
There are sounds coming from above them that don't sound reassuring at all -
The Gate snaps up and they both fall into it and then suddenly are falling sideways from a normal, vertical doorway, and tumble to the floor along with quite a lot of broken stone slabs and rubble, before Leareth manages to rip the Gate down and stop them from taking the entire ceiling cross-section along with them.
He lies sprawled on the floor, panting for breath. :Are you all right:
They're in a low-ceilinged, dusty, underground-looking room with shelves full of crates lining the walls. It's almost dark, except for the small mage-light that Leareth manages a second later.
"We are in a sealed records cache of mine in the mountains," Leareth says, sitting up and grunting in pain; his shields took most of it but he's nonetheless very bruised. "Only fifty miles or so from where we were before, though, so if the gods in question are tracking you then they may find us soon."
His voice is very calm, which belies the fact that Leareth is currently terrified. He doesn't at all understand what's happening or why - he supposes it's unsurprising that, with literally all the resources Vkandis and the Star-Eyed can throw at an emergency if they're escalating to the maximum, They could take out one of his smaller, not primarily military installations and nearly kill him. It's not as though They haven't murdered him before.
What he doesn't understand is why now. And how They even knew where to look.
"Have you thought of anything you did that could, possibly, have attracted Their attention," he says quietly.