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<I think it is very likely.> Because Matirin is going to give him morph if they can't figure out how to fix his spine with medicine.


Visser 3 nods. "Your people have not received any direct communications from the ship that jumped in?" 


<We have not. We only have what we heard from Leareth. It seems likely that the ship is in communications with the Pool ship, which misled you from there, or with nobody at all - which would not be a surprising decision, given that it would have seen a Pool ship and a Dome ship in orbit and regardless of its loyalties probably been very confused.>


"That is what I was thinking. Unfortunately we are not currently in communications with the Pool ship since they jumped to hyperspace. My people on the ground are investigating the exact timing of that communication and the circumstances of the attack in El Paso but I think from our current position, it will be hard to determine whether in fact the Pool ship received a real message." 


<I am worried that the planners of this coup will be increasing desperate in light of its apparent failure. I would be happier were we ourselves in hyperspace but I worry about missing important updates and I want to know if the new ship does anything. ...also we need to apologize to the humans, again.>


"I recorded a brief apology but it was not very informative since, in fact, I did not know much of what had happened. At least I have now fulfilled their request to vacate the metro area." 


<Have you sent it? It's probably a good idea to get you on televison.> Tail-lash. <So people don't get ideas.>


"I instructed my people to send it as soon as I checked in and confirmed I was safe here. Which I will do now." 


He doesn't nod, Mhalir will probably find humanlike body language on an Andalite disconcerting rather than communicative. He does move his tail in a gesture that means the same thing. <After that, any of Leareth's mages will fix the talisman for you.>


"Thank you." Mhalir goes off to send a brief update to his people, and then work on a draft for a longer apology and proposed reparations for the humans. 


Ow. Ow ow ow his head hurts. Also it's uncomfortably bright and that's very rude of someone. 

Vanyel tries to roll over and drag an arm over his face. :...'Fandes...?: 


Marian drops the textbook she's consulting and bolts across the room. "Hey, can you stay put–"


:You're on the Dome ship. Some sort of attack, but you and Leareth got out alive:

Yfandes passes on to Matirin that Vanyel is awake. 


Marian makes sure he's not going to fall out of bed and then flees back to Leareth's side of the room and retrieves her textbook again, he's doing some sort of funky blood pressure thing and she's trying to help the Andalite doctor troubleshoot what's going on this time. 


He heads on over to the medical bay so he can answer more questions if Vanyel has them.


Vanyel is pretty groggy. He wants to know what sort of attack it was and who attacked them, and whether Leareth is okay. 


It was an orbital strike probably with a shielded shuttle because that's harder to detect than the use of a ship weapon. Leareth is alive.


"Oh. Is - everyone else dead." 


<Yes. I'm sorry.>


"Oh." He didn't know any of them that well but - it still hurts, it feels like he should have been able to shield more people. "Do we know why." 


<We think it was an attempted coup by Yeerks dissatisfied with recent events. They also tried to get Visser Three.>


“- Is he all right?”


<Yes. He is uninjured and here right now because it seemed likely safest. You could probably ask him for details.>


"Maybe I'll do that later." If nothing is immediately on fire right now he's going to go to sleep. 


That seems very reasonable.

He finds Nayoki and says <I suspect you are already doing this but I would like someone to be reading Mhalir's mind about things. He may have just learned that the Yeerks won a major victory on another front of the war and I - want to make sure that recent events don't change anything and that we are safe here.>

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