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Marian is extremely underqualified to help with any of that so she goes to see Vanyel and get him attached to all the monitoring machines. He's unconscious and also has some visibly broken bones but he's breathing and his vital signs are pretty reasonable once she gets him on oxygen. 


:We don't have enough Healers: someone says to Matirin. :Can we Gate people from one of the other houses. Think Miami has a lot of Healers: 


<Yes go ahead>


They get more Healers from the house in Miami. It's a bit further than five hundred miles away from where the ship is now but they can do a concert Gate with several people. 

Nuvia gets a contact from the communication-spell, they've got Yfandes, she's not dying right this second or anything but they'd still prefer to get her to the ship sooner rather than later and also all the mages and Healers still on the ground in NYC would like to be no longer there please. Can they Gate over now. 


Is a thoughtsenser double checking that no one they're Gating in is somehow Yeerked -


...No one's been doing that because they're really distracted, but one of the Thoughtsensers who didn't leave the ship and so is (almost certainly) not Yeerked can check everyone now. 

No Yeerks. 


:I don't know what happened: Yfandes tells Matirin as soon as she's Gated over. :I just got a Foresight glimpse of - something really bad - told Van to shield - then the entire block exploded, I didn't even see what it was: 


<Something hit you from orbit but I don't know what. The Pool ship has the weapons for it but we'd have seen if they did it. Maybe a cloaked shuttle that just dropped on you, that's hard to detect. 

If Mhalir didn't authorize it I'm sure they went after him too, and I expect they'll want to go after us.> Does anyone need to Gate more people from the surface, if not they're getting out of here.


They've got, like, fifteen Healers, so probably Gating more people won't help on that front - they're a bit worried about the safety of the other houses, but getting everyone evacuated to the ship will take a while, so maybe they should just - communicate telling people to relocate to somewhere the Yeerks won't know about, and then go. 


That seems like a good idea. 


How's Leareth.


He's not dead. With machines getting oxygen to his blood, the Healers have a little more slack and have managed to stop all the major bleeding, but they're getting close to the limits of how much Healing someone's body can take in a short period of time and definitely aren't going to get to everything in one go. He's still completely unresponsive but this is unsurprising, he collected a moderate head injury - but a recoverable one, in isolation, it's actually really lucky his head didn't take as much force as the rest of him clearly did. 

Not all of the damage is fixable even with Velgarth Healing. They can't Heal his spine and he's almost certainly going to be paralyzed. 


Andalites would morph that off. There - might be something he can do to fix it without morph, though he's not immediately sure what, he's reviewing some case studies that might be relevant. 



Does anyone know if there were communications from Mhalir before the orbital strike.


No one else knows, but probably the communications would have gone to Leareth? 


Yfandes also doesn't know, but she only would if Van had been looped in, and she doesn't think Leareth was doing that - Van wasn't in the same room of the apartment, he was hiding in the bathtub to get away from the crowd. 


Well. They're going to head farther away from Earth and be ready to jump back out of normal space on an instant's notice and - wait for contact from Mhalir, probably. If he's not dead. 


As the shuttle crosses Arkansas Mhalir's lieutenant stirs on the floor. Opens her eyes, blinks at him. " - oh," she says. "Fair enough. Did Nessek and Talat make it -"


He's been talking to Amanda, trying to keep her calm, but mostly focused on flying the shuttle. 

"No, they are dead. I am sorry about..." Vague gesture. "I checked the message logs, I know it was not you, but I had to check." 


"Of course. And not Leareth, he could've done it much more cleanly. Pool ship could've intercepted our communications, maybe. Or the Andalites."


"Either could have. ...But I do not think it was the Andalites. I place much higher odds on a coup attempt than on Leareth having misjudged Matirin. - And the Andalites would have known I had a shield-talisman, I think." Until now he'd told no one else. It looks like an ordinary piece of jewelry. 

His hands are tense by the computer. "I have been trying to contact Leareth. I cannot. I - fear they went for him also." 


"Wasn't he on the Andalite ship?"


"Last I heard, but I was not surprised he might have evacuated to the surface - Yeerk reinforcements would have attacked the Dome ship and even Andalites might have if they suspected we had taken it. ...Can you check the news. Anything significant enough to take out Leareth would - be very visible - but I have been busy flying this thing. I am taking us to the safehouse outside D.C. and we can regroup there and decide whether to contact Matirin and ask if he knows more." 


She checks the news. "Might he have been in New York City."


"- There was an apartment there. What location in New York City." He immediately goes to look up their list of Andalite houses. 


"Brooklyn. Uh, Dekalb and Marcus Garvey Boulevard. I can't tell from the video what happened, but there's a lot of rubble. Pool ship could've fired on it, I guess."

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