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f!wangxian get up to shenanigans and Meng Yao gets nice things
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Yes that sounds excellent. And he would like to know exactly who has been found and how the situation with the Wens is going...


They can update him about everything, and he can tell them about how he managed his escape.


Found a relatively weak point in the Wen perimeter, killed his way through it, then took off his headband and put on something less pale than the traditional Lan robes and imitated a non-cultivator's way of moving. 


She is really, really glad that he managed that without getting hurt. Does he still have the ancient books with him?


Yep, safe and sound, thank goodness for bag of holding sleeves. 


Now that Lan Xichen has been found, there is no need to schedule further check-ins with Meng Yao. Instead, the group travels all together to the next town, the next hillside, the next cave...


This cave has a pair of servants who grabbed every child they could attach to themselves and fled relatively unmolested by the Wens who were mostly looking for actual cultivators. 


That's really good news. These children should obviously not come along with them on dangerous missions, so they establish a more permanent encampment where the children and injured Lan survivors can stay and be provided for and protected. 

They go out in groups, now, taking shifts to look for survivors or dispose of Wen soldiers.


Wei Ying develops half a dozen kinds of talisman to hide the permanent encampment from Wen eyes. 


Wei Ying is brilliant and will be kissed a lot. Also Lan Zhan tries touching her breasts again, because Wei Ying is perfect and this is what she deserves.


OH WOW OKAY YES GOOD. She can get a lot of squirming and whining and no pain at all. 




...Lan Zhan touching her breasts is going to get Wei Ying VERY WORKED UP, would Lan Zhan like to watch her take care of that. 


Wei Ying is very smart. Yes.


Oh good. The process involves saying Lan Zhan's name a lot and also talking about things she would like to happen when Lan Zhan is feeling up to them, such as Lan-jiejie sitting on Wei Ying's face. 


Lan Zhan is too flustered to have any verbal feedback on this. She is going to... also touch herself, now, while she stares at Wei Ying in awe and blushes.


Oh that's so good she wants to see Lan-jiejie feel good too~



And then kisses. Many, many kisses. 


"I love you."


"Mmmm. I love you too." Nose smooch. 


Aw. Maybe Wei Ying should be in her lap now, and hugged a lot.


What an excellent outcome. Wei Ying rests her head on Lan Zhan's shoulder and breathes in the scent of her hair and skin and makes soft happy humming noises. 


Lan Zhan can't believe that she gets to have this.

The next day, they find another cave large enough to potentially house human inhabitants.


Wei Ying stops them before they can enter, crouching down and puling some greenery out of the way to reveal what she'd thought she'd seen a glimpse of; there's a minor ward on the entrance to the cave, not something that could prevent people from entering, but definitely something that would alert whoever was inside that they have company. 

"Maybe we should make it known we're not Wens before setting this off, avoid an arrow somewhere soft before the inhabitant or inhabitants figure it out." 

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