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that looks like a pretty intractable problem you've got there have you tried throwing more leareths at it
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:Coordinate with Taver, he knows where everything is: And Leareth informs Taver to pay attention to Fazil's mind. 


Taver directs him to the area where they're triaging the seriously wounded. 


He has deep respect for Aroden for figuring out how to do this at all without a cleric but also he can heal every injured person within thirty feet of him to full health seven times (he'd rather only use some of those now) and then stabilize an arbitrary number of additional people, taking about ten seconds for each of them. 


The Velgarth Healers are extremely well organized, and know how clerics work at this point; they can shuffle and cram a really impressive number of the worst-injured people into a thirty-foot radius of him, most of whom have been minimally Healed the Velgarth way so that they're not actively dying but are still pretty miserable. 

Once he's done that a few times: if his magic for stabilizing people makes them stable enough to move safely, maybe he should take direction from Taver, who's currently scanning the entire city for injured people they haven't brought to the central area yet, and then others without healing magic can transport them back. 


He can take direction from Taver though he'd like his party with him if he's going to be running around the whole city which probably still contains a lot of conquered people who are mad at them.


He should definitely take his party and he can borrow some additional guards if he wants; Taver will also try to warn him if anyone is about to jump out at them, though even his formidable attention is stretched pretty thin right now. 


Abadar gave him sixth circle spells without explanation about half an hour ago, which maybe suggests they should expect some trouble. He'll take a guard if they are non-Evil, he'd like to be able to use Protection from Evil and similar without worrying about his allies.


Leareth has a bunch of mages who don't read as Evil, mostly neutral, he's welcome to borrow one of them. 


Then they can head out into the city and he can Consecrate all the temples really quickly while he's there and they can heal anyone Taver can find. 


Taver, his mindvoice distant and steely and alien, directs them down streets and alleys to locate wounded soldiers. A lot of the buildings are a bit scorched but few are burned down, the fires seem to have been dealt with quickly. 

(Leareth's mage is also going to put compulsions on all of them not to attack Fazil or whoever is sent to collect them and bring them back to the main camp in his wake.)


He should check later whether he is comfortable with whatever they're doing with prisoners back at camp but right now he's the only person in this country who can do this.


It's a big city but there aren't an infinite number of people injured badly enough to send Fazil instead of some of Aroden and Leareth's soldiers to move them, and a lot of the worst-injured were already chased down in the first few minutes. 

Back at camp, Leareth's Farseers watch the retreating forces, while Nayoki shares her memories of High Priestess Aspexia Rugatonn with all of Aroden's wizards who have spells left and can cast Scry. They know the High Priestess successfully fled the city, they aren't sure to where but Aroden suspects she'll be involved in planning the response to their invasion. 

She's probably very resistant against scrying, as a high-level cleric, but they can have a lot of people try, one after another, and hope someone eventually gets lucky. 


Eventually someone does, which means they can watch a war in Avernus between Heaven and Hell.


Interesting. Hopefully that will keep Asmodeus somewhat distracted from Cheliax. Aroden asks the successful wizard to scry as long as she can, try to figure out who if anyone is involved in organizing the attack by Heaven.  


The answer to that will surprise absolutely no one. 

(She's not there in person. Heaven's forces, when they die in Hell, will be gone forever, and they're not going to win this even if they're making for a spectacular distraction. But the army bears her standard.)


Aroden smiles to himself. Of course.

Also, he's going to have to speak with her, after this, and it's certain to be a very - interesting - conversation. 

He checks in with Leareth's Farseers, some of whom have the range and skill to Farsee other cities from a map. Distraction in Hell or not, he wants to know what's going on elsewhere in Cheliax. 


Cheliax's forces are regrouping in several other cities. Local populations are being drafted and human sacrifices are being sacrificed and civilians are being... evacuated. To Hell. Through someone's personal demiplane in Ostenso and through some work of devils in Corentyn and Kintargo.


Okay what the actual fuck. 


They don't really have Egorian under full control yet, but also Aroden can't let that stand. 

His own wizards are low on spells, but if they're paired with Leareth's mages who can refill spell slots, they can manage another fight as long as it's not too prolonged. Can Leareth or his people do some Gates. 


Leareth is the most skilled at Gating to arbitrary places he's never been, and can probably get a blind Gate quite precise if he has a good map. His other mages can Gate anywhere that someone has a memory of, or maybe with a map plus very detailed pictures. 


Aroden can provide high-quality drawings of some locations, while they reorganize and line up their forces. Probably Ostenso first before they commit soldiers to one or both of the others, in case it's thornier than it looks.

Aroden checks in with Taver about any remaining resistance in Egorian, gauging how many troops and mages or wizards he needs to leave behind. 


It's a big city. Lots of people are cowering in their houses and the stationed troops were mostly evacuated or killed or captured and the more powerful wizards mostly Teleported far away if they didn't join the evacuation, but it's still a big city and has parts that were untouched by the fighting and haven't been traversed in the aftermath either, and it might have a lot more resistance if resistance didn't look hopeless.


They should leave a substantial presence, then. If a hundred of Leareth's mages stay back, and Taver coordinates their placement, the rest of the stationed forces can mostly be soldiers without magic. 


Leareth also didn't bring all twenty thousand soldiers to the city, he can commit some of the troops left back in Rahadoum, although it'll take more Gates. Probably worth it, though. 


Leareth's Farseers scope out the area around Ostenso, so he can plan where to very suddenly drop a hundred of his mages, most of them paired with wizards whose spells can be refilled. 

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