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that looks like a pretty intractable problem you've got there have you tried throwing more leareths at it
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The barrier vanishes from the place where it's stood for decades. 

Its defenders exchange nervous glances. 

"Maybe Aroden spared you so you can redeem yourselves," someone says cautiously, which gets them angrily glared at. 

" - we came here to fight demons," one of the paladins says, after a while. "So - we're going to do that. Unless we are stabbed in the back, in which case we will destroy every last one of you."

And they spread out to stop any demons that make their way out with the barrier gone.


Savil is barking orders to the several thousand blue-uniformed Guards still streaming through her Gate. She's getting tired, she had better take it down, but this is already better than she'd expected. 

The other Heralds are spreading out, staying in Mindspeech contact with each other. 



Vanyel doesn't wait. 

The moment his Gate is done, Yfandes breaks into a gallop toward the distant Worldwound. 

Vanyel flings fireballs and levinbolts and blunt force attacks and daggers of mage-force at every demon within a hundred feet of him, an extravagant, almost careless display of magic. He's clearing a path for himself, of course, but his main goal here is actually to attract a LOT of attention. He wants them coordinating against him as their biggest threat. It'll get more of them into range. 


The demons have no trouble concluding that this person is a big threat! As he and Yfandes head in they swarm him. There are fire demons with long-reaching whips that reach out to rip at him with something like Fetching, there are towering demons wielding trees as clubs, there are demons flinging their own spells back at him -


Vanyel switches to focusing completely on shielding himself, which he can't do forever against this but can do for a few seconds, and he leaps off from Yfandes back and catches himself, holding a bubble of space around him–


Yfandes runs like hell, it'll be inconvenient if they have to raise her too


And he drops the shield and closes his eyes and - lets go - as promised, it doesn't hurt, there's only a single poised moment, everything he is and ever was flung out at a half-circle on one side of an imaginary line -


There is fire and magic and destruction and no more Vanyel. 


From the edges of where the line used to be held against the Worldwound its defenders are alarmed! The demons have never done that before! Balors do it when killed but not, uh, anywhere near that hard.


Oh, that wasn't the demons, that was Vanyel from their side, he'll be back in a bit to do it some more, but they should take advantage of the demons' presumed confusion and move in. 

(Savil really hopes Nefreti is about to resurrect Van, anyway.) 

Permalink, all right then.


Yfandes makes it back in one piece, with some very angry demons chasing her, but Companions are fast and even here she has a bit of a Foresight sense for when to zig and zag. 

:I'm - all right. I hope it won't be long: 


Actually the pharaoh is about to resurrect Vanyel, in the Dome but right at the edge of it. True Resurrection is an astoundingly powerful spell; it builds the body out of nothingness in the air as he works, and the scaffolding for it is astonishing. 


The diamond crumbles.


"- I guess that worked?" Vanyel blinks. Looks around. "I, um, thank you, I'd better get back there..." 


"Yep. I can do it twice more from scrolls. Do you need a Teleport north?"


"I can Gate fine, but if you're not using it for anything else, it'd save me the effort." 


So he nods to someone who can Teleport Vanyel north, in two hops.


Yfandes felt Vanyel's return to life, and she's even happier about his return in person! She frisks about and blows at his hair. 


"Hey, hey." He pats her. "Did that work as spectacularly as we'd hoped? What's going on now?" 


Some of the surviving demons have attacked across the borders where the wardstones used to hold them; they've been engaged by the Guard and the Heralds and the paladins and some Hellknights, and so far they haven't made it too far. 

More demons are swarming out of the Abyss to try to attack the wardstones in their new position, which is really close in - the locals are concerned that it's indefensible and the wardstones are gonna get destroyed?


Oh, he's got an excellent plan to discourage that decision. 

Vanyel reaches out with Farsight, checking for the exact centre of the new ward-circle. He starts preparing a Gate, aiming to stick the other end a good distance up in the air, right above the crack in reality. It's not a smart place to land but he won't be there for long. 


The exact center is above the cracks in the fabric of reality through which a river of demons are swarming!


Vanyel shields himself as hard as he can and flings himself through the Gate and snaps it down behind him - 


- and then almost the entire space inside the ward-stones is filled with blue-white fire. It ends just short of the barrier, not damaging it at all. 


He looks up from his crystal ball and reads off a scroll of True Resurrection.

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