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that looks like a pretty intractable problem you've got there have you tried throwing more leareths at it
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Leareth cools it, retrieves and examines it, and offers it to the cleric. 


And the cleric can try to Restoration Vanyel.


It works. 



"Good work." 


"You invented the spell. And came up with the idea." Vanyel is smiling too though. He bounces on his heels. "I have lots of energy now. I can try it again - maybe I can go all evening with Lesser Restoration..." 


"You cannot. Unfortunately there is some component of magical reserves that it does not help with, I discovered this earlier." He looks thoughtful for a moment. "I still need to test if my cleric spell addresses it, though - if I power-share with you, I ought to become drained enough for the difference to be noticeable, and it may be a little easier for you." 


"Sure!" Vanyel throws out a Mindspeech link to Leareth, slipping into rapport - amazing how casual he feels about doing that, just a month ago he couldn't have imagined trusting Leareth this much. 

They smoosh another diamond. It is easier in a sense, but he's also starting to feel a sort of hollowness that isn't quite fatigue but does make it more effortful. 


The cleric can cast Lesser Restoration again.


Vanyel closes his eyes, checking how he feels. The physical tiredness and slight unsteadiness on his feet are gone, but some part of him still feels drained. "I don't think I can do another one. Er, not a big one, I could do intermediate-sized." 


"Honestly I think you are better off stopping before you hit complete exhaustion. If you feel recovered later tonight you can try again. Besides, I wanted to discuss some things." 


"Oh. Um, sure, we could go to your room." Vanyel politely thanks the cleric for helping them while Leareth collects the two large diamonds. 


The cleric is delighted to have helped.


Leareth mulls on making the spell more efficient while they walk. He won't be able to do it in two days, but after the war...

Oh also he should ask. :Yfandes?: 


She's amusing herself by the beach, where there's actually room for her to move around. :Leareth?: 


:Vanyel can make True Resurrection-grade diamonds: 


:Oh: Pause. :Imagine he could make quite a lot of gold that way, but I suppose the war comes first: 


:Yes, I think his earning potential is not one of our top worries. Anyway. I - wished to propose...: And he describes his idea, briefly and neutrally. 


Yfandes is silent, clearly taken aback. 

:...Hmm. Normally I would say the last thing Vanyel needs is any encouragement to solve his problems by exploding at them, but - this is a rather significant problem, and - a neater solution than most of the others. And it'd be temporary...: She still feels deeply reluctant. 


:Could you cope with it: 


:For a time. How long does the spell take: 


:Not long. Roughly ten minutes: 


:- I could cope. If this much is at stake...: The steel-bright ringing quality in her mindvoice intensifies. :I'm willing to do it. Er, maybe let me tell him, it's a slightly touchy topic: 


:Yes, of course: He's very relieved. 


They get back to Leareth's room, and Vanyel makes a number of faces for a minute or two.

"You know," he says to Leareth finally, lightly, "I wouldn't have ever thought killing myself would be the actual best solution to a problem, and if someone had told me you would be the person to suggest it, I'd've thought they were crazy." 


"It is a somewhat absurd plan, but - I genuinely think it makes sense, here." Pause. "In case you are worried, I have called a Final Strike, before, it does not–"


"It doesn't hurt. I know." 

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