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that looks like a pretty intractable problem you've got there have you tried throwing more leareths at it
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Okay fine he can do this, if he doesn't let her in she's going to keep talking at him. Leareth sits up carefully, eases himself to the edge of his bed, stands and marches to the door and unlocks it and then turns around and heads right back to the bedroom. 


Nayoki doesn't have standard Healing-Gift but this doesn't look like ordinary backlash to her, and besides Leareth is very good about not pushing his magic too hard, he's had lots of experience to calibrate. 

She Mindspeaks one of the researchers with cleric levels and asks if they can come have a look at Leareth, he seems to be ill or something, and maybe bring along one of the Velgarth Healers, who she can't find right now, maybe they're testing something in one of the Work Rooms. 


They can absolutely do this! Where is the nearest Velgarth Healer.


They're both in one of the Work Rooms looking at how Symbols of Healing show up to Healing-Sight. 


There is a concern about Leareth, can one of them come?


- oh, damn, of course, Tallad will come. 


Then two worlds' healing can show up at Leareth's a few minutes later.


Leareth is faintly embarrassed to apparently be causing so much fuss, and also about forgetting the Gate; the normal human world of things like 'schedules' and 'travel' feels very distant and blurry right now.


Nayoki is sitting on the bed beside him. "He said he talked to Abadar and now he has a very bad headache," she tells them, keeping her voice soft. "Is that normal?" 


" - yes, I think so," says the cleric. "It's mostly inadvisable to're supposed to use a specific spell that gives Him an interface..."


Well, he didn't know that, now what is he supposed to do? (Presumably he has to actually say words out loud to get an answer to this question, but that's too much hassle right now.) 


"Can your healing help with it?" Tallad says. "It looks a little like magical backlash, which we already can't treat very effectively." 


"I can do Delay Pain but he'll still feel it when the spell wears off - and should be careful not to do injurious things in the meantime -"


"Do - things that hurt now - count as injurious. Like thinking. Or standing up." Leareth supposes being in bed doing nothing all day and not in pain is better than being in pain, but still. 


"I think thinking or standing up are fine." He casts Delay Pain.


"Thank you." Leareth sits up, cautiously, still sort of expecting it to start hurting again at any moment. "Nayoki, I am sorry, I think I ought not do your Gate home." 


"I would say not! We will figure something out. I should have the power to do it if the pharaoh is not available to use his spell." 


"You should maybe avoid magic entirely for today," Tallad says. "Since you won't be able to tell if it's making it worse." 


That is true and also so inconvenient. 


The cleric is looking oddly at him. "...congratulations?" he says tentatively.


Leareth hadn't really thought through whether or not to keep this secret, but it's a bit late at this point and besides the researchers here aren't supposed to talk to anyone outside. "Abadar wished to make me His cleric and I decided to accept. I have spells that I wanted to cast today. Maybe that would be fine since it is a different kind of magic that does not cause backlash..." 


"If you want to push it I suppose that is your purview," Nayoki says dubiously. 


"May I ask around and see if anyone else has, uh, talked to Abadar without Commune up and whether they have advice?"


"Yes, thank you."

If the pharaoh just didn't tell him about the spell he was supposed to use then Leareth is going to be mildly ticked off about it, although he can't be too annoyed because it's not like he gave any indication of wanting to talk to Abadar. 


He heads off to do that. 

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