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that looks like a pretty intractable problem you've got there have you tried throwing more leareths at it
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"Huh! Figure it's safe to come down?" 


Moondance is still looking around with solemn awe, as though standing in a grand temple. 


Starwind's expression is very neutral. 


"Nothing tried to bite me. I guess it might look for Gifts? But I'd bet not."


Vanyel, as the person best able to shield himself, makes a case that he should go down next, and then does so. 

"...No offensive spells, still. Just a really ridiculously thorough amount of shielding–" He stops. 

A floating magic lift, clearly once meant to transport objects up, maybe all the way to the surface. A number of doors. One open door with an empty room behind it. 

"I - think - that these might be the rooms where the rest of Urtho's weapons are kept," he says, hesitantly.


" - wow. Yeah, that seems plausible.


Super expecting now that one of them is metaphorically the Starstone. Somehow."


"That seems possible and also I'm really dubious it's a good idea to go poking our heads in rooms with potentially world-destroying weapons in them. I don't think they'll be trapped or anything, that seems stupid when there's a weapon in them, but - I don't know, they might be fragile or unstable after so long." 


"Agreed, let's not. But - is this the bottom floor of the Tower?"


"I don't know. I definitely don't see any way down from here, but - there were some other doors around the room up there, maybe some of them still go places." 


"Do we figure it's safe for me to sweep for secret doors, knock on things to see if they're hollow, etcetera..."


"Er, maybe don't knock on the doors or near them, but," quick mage-sight scan, "floor should be safe. Honestly Urtho sounds like the sort of person who might make his fortress full of secret passages, so." 


"We could split up and explore the other doors," Starwind offers. 


"I guess if half of us have telepathy that's all right," he says doubtfully.


"We can go in two groups. Moondance and I will go with Karna, then we will have two mages and both of us are Mindspeakers. If your group stays with Vanyel, he is a Mindspeaker and also several of you have magic. I think we ought be reasonably safe." 


"Usually I'd want healing in both groups but we can get to you pretty fast, probably, if we need to."


"I am Healing-Gifted," Moondance points out. 


" - right, sorry. Those seem like good groups, then." They're also the people who serve this goddess and people who don't, but he is not going to make a fuss about that, it's their territory.


Vanyel can try to help Hagan look for secret doors? If there are any, they're totally non-magical, so mage-sight doesn't help. 


Yeah, you usually search for secret doors by pouring water on the ground and seeing whether there are seams it runs in, and running your hands along the walls and floor searching for cracks, and tapping everything for the sound of hollowed spaces or hidden mechanisms, and using Goggles of Minute Seeing to look closer at anything that looks off. 


There are, in fact, some minute cracks in the floor! An octagonal section big enough to fit a person through, and arranged around it, four round coin-sized pieces of stone, all the exact same colour as the surrounding white marble and exactly flush with the floor. The octagonal bit sounds maybe hollow underneath. 


 "Trapdoor's here," he announces. "Maybe you enter a code here, not sure."


"Maybe we press down on these little ones? If I had to guess it'd be an order with some sort of significance, hmm... Could be East, South, West, and North, I remember that being a ritual thing for the Shin'a'in." 


Sure, he'll try that. 


The stones are too far apart for a single person to reach, but Vanyel can move to crouch by one of them, and they've got four people in total here. 


Sure, they can get stones too.

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