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that looks like a pretty intractable problem you've got there have you tried throwing more leareths at it
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“It’ll probably manage to be worse somehow.”

But he goes to sleep.


He stays up in case Moondance wakes up and tries to kill himself again.


With Gemma’s close supervision, he stays out until dawn.


When he can prepare Break Enchantment twice and head in to the other room to try it on Starwind.


Starwind rises, with dignity, and glares at him. "What are you doing." 


"I'm going to try to break the pact between you and your goddess."


"- What." Starwind flings up a shield in front of himself; it seems like the Mindhealing-compulsion only blocks Gates or running away. "No. Do not. How - why–" He cuts off, looking horrified. And furious. "Is that what you did to him. Tell me." 


"That is what was done to him, though not specifically by me." He casts Break Enchantment.


Starwind is still glaring at him furiously; nothing seems to have happened. 


It's a caster level check and he's not surprised it needs to be a high one. He tries again.


This time it works.


Starwind's expression goes slack. He stands there unsteadily for a moment, slowly turning a couple of shades paler. 

- and then snarls and tries to throw some sort of mage-attack at Fazil. Which doesn't work, apparently that much is blocked, but then he just dives at him instead, which is apparently allowed when Fazil is in the room. 


He armors himself in a thin clinging force-shield but does not otherwise attempt to prevent this. :Is Van asleep?: he asks Yfandes.


:Yes, he's hiding out with me - do you need him?: 


Starwind pins him to the floor and tries again to hit him with a levinbolt, then growls in frustration and attempts to punch him in the face instead. 


:Starwind is distressed - differently from Moondance, he's trying to have a wrestling match with me about it. I don't at this time think it's worth waking Van but if there's anyone free it'd probably be responsible to have them around just in case.:

He does not interfere with efforts to punch him in the face, though his thin force-shield does cover his face.


Savil isn't there, having gone to get some actual sleep, but Herald-Mage Kilchas, one of the mages who was helping out at the Worldwound and in Cheliax, is. He's frozen in his chair, the book he was reading until seconds ago loose in his hands. :Do you, um, need help or something:  


:Not especially? It's not doing his Good or Law any favors but that may have been a lost cause. He will get tired before I get bruised, and I put Resist Energy (Fire) and Protection from Energy (Lightning) up in case he manages to get off a levinbolt despite the compulsions or his goddess gets mad and lights me on fire. I'm sixth-circle now.: as if this last clause makes everything make perfect sense.


:Sure, suit yourself then: Kilchas leans forward over his knees with his chin propped in his hands and watches the wrestling match. 


Starwind keeps punching and clawing at Fazil while yelling incoherently about how he has no right along with a lot of swearwords in Tayledras, until he's red in the face and very out of breath. 

Eventually he slows down, looks at Fazil with anguish in his eyes, and then sort of collapses off to the side and hugs himself, head down on his knees, he's not audibly crying but his shoulders are shaking. 


Fazil stands up. "I'm sorry," he says. "I wish you'd had a goddess worthy of your faith in her."

:Is Van up yet?: he asks Yfandes.


:Yes, should I send him over?: 


:Yes, please.:


Vanyel arrives at a jog from the stables, still in his rumpled Whites from the day before. :What is it–:


:Starwind took it differently badly. I think maybe we should sound out whether they’ll be bad for each other and maybe let them see each other, at this point?:


:Makes sense. I'll Mindspeak Savil, see if she can come too: 

He does so, then sits down by Starwind, close but not touching him. "Hey. I'm really sorry. I know it must feel awful." 

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