For what feels like a very, very long time, but is probably only ten seconds, everything seems to hold still.
This is ridiculous, the timing - it has to be that it showed up to Foresight, somehow, the gods - Vkandis, this time - could sense that he was about to obtain new magic, when They couldn't see Tarinda's non-magical work as clearly. And then Vkandis must have directly showed them where his facility is, somehow, because it's not at all visible from the surface - was there a spy - it doesn't matter now–
He's pretty sure of Sing. The questions were in order of importance, and - for any normal magnitude of decision, this would be more than enough paranoia and caution. It's - not the level he would prefer, here. But - he's not sure how many minutes they have.
How sure is he that Sing is better than Vkandis.
...About as certain as he's ever been of anything outside his own head.
This is really, really not the way he had wanted to have to do it, but–
"All right, go," he snaps, and widens the Gate.