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Tarinda in Velgarth
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"- Wow. I - that makes sense but somehow it - wasn't what I'd been picturing. It seems - incautious, for him?" 


"I mean, he has like half a dozen talismans on him all the time and also grabbed the one I loaned the stablehand before he went the rest of the way in."


"Fair enough. Did you get the talisman back?" 


"Yeah, he gave it back the other day." She holds it up out of her shirt.


"Oh, good. Er, not that you should need it here, I'm sure he has an absurd level of security, just..."


"Only one of me, and even if though I'd just automatically plastinate should a god decide to strike the place with a meteor, a plastic brain can't build Sing."


"Automatically plastinate? Huh! I guess Leareth could try to put you back together with magic, might be possible, but he'd probably need to invent an entire new field of magic for it, and...I assume he prefers to do this the faster easier way." 


"It's not me, anyway, it's Page, it's just you can't transplant Page. Not without equipment you'd need Sing in the first place to build, at any rate. I think it'd be deactivated if I plastinated. I should probably tell Leareth not to go too nuts trying to get me back if that happens, just store my plastic somewhere in case it's ever recoverable."


"...Good to know. And, fair enough. You trying to teach anyone else for redundancy is probably way more time consuming than just building Sing as fast as you can?"


"Right. A lot of this I'm not even bothering to retain, really, Page is just giving me instructions and I'm following them. Not how I usually like to do stuff but..." Shrug.


"That makes sense. It wouldn't be my preferred way either, but - I guess if you succeed, and we're not in a terrible rush, you can try to learn it again properly if you ever want to." 


"That's the spirit."


The Healer is giving Vanyel a narrow-eyed look. 

Sigh. "I should probably go back to bed. Er, good luck." 


"Thank you."


The next morning, Leareth comes to find her again, waiting for a good moment to interrupt. 




He asks her a couple of questions about how her work is going and whether she needs anything, and then forges into his main question. "I would feel more comfortable with some redundancy here, since - well, there is only one of you. Also it seems this is likely to take significant time even if done as fast as possible. So - I wish to research designing a Gate-spell that could reach your world. If you ended up here by accident, somehow, perhaps our magic can find a way back. In which case you could bring over more hardware directly, and, of course, we could directly speak to the existing Sing. I do not think it that likely to succeed in time, but - I do think it is worth the attempt." 


"It's a good idea, do you need to read my mind to see places you could get to?"


"That would be very helpful. I also wish to ask Page some questions about your world's physical laws, since I will need some way to inform the Gate-spell it is not meant to be searching Velgarth. I think it ought take under a candlemark of your time, if I pose questions and then read your thoughts as Page answers them. Is that all right?" 


"Yeah, that's fine."


Leareth will get that out of the way, then, very efficiently. 

"- And, if you are willing, may I have a small sample of the healing-substance in your body - I was not sure if it is found in your blood and such. It might be very helpful to have an example of a material found in your world and nowhere else, aside from in you, who I can exclude from the search-space." 


"It's all over but for a decent concentration you'll want to get it out of one of the pockets where it's generated pure." She points at a few spots. "Traditionally with a hollow needle but that's not essential. Though it's different for everybody, so I don't know if it'll be a good match. I guess my sisters will probably have the most similar instances."


"That does make sense, given how bodies work. I will remember not to try for an exact match, and I hope it will still be more helpful than nothing." 

Leareth can melt and shape a bit of metal into a hollow needle in about a minute and a half, with magic - it's not a lot of material and he has very fine control - and once that's cooled and then re-cleaned, one of the Healers can extract some of her healing salve. 


Apparently in its pure state it's a translucent ice-blue. "You could work on trying to re-type it, while you're at it," she suggests. "It's not as useful without an AI operating it but Page can do it from a ways off if you just change the biotyping and not the nanites, I don't have to be right in the room, and it's better than nothing even blind."


"I am sure my Healers will be delighted to study it! If the typing is biological in nature, they ought be able to perceive it with their Sight, even, though I imagine it is at a very small scale." 

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