Kaede's flying with purpose. He has Information and a little artefact to prove his Information is correct. This will be grand. He's flying and he's grinning and life's (reasonably) good (terms and conditions apply).
"Are mages more likely than dragons to be particularly violent? Or particularly awfuler when they do?"
"Alright. Well, I'll ask other people with this and figure out whether it's magery or something else. If it is I'll at least be able to identify it more easily than people having to be tested by spell."
"It does. I'm kinda jealous," he sighs.
(Oh and also resumes eating, because that is the thing he actually came here to do.)
(The halfling has been eating this entire time.) "Oh well, you have your thing, right?"
"Mmm, yeah, but my thing is seeing and manipulating magic, I can't make any of my own and need to borrow—or steal—from elsewhere. And I apparently cannot use wizardry at all, it does not like being touched by anyone without a CC, it appears." Pause. "Or at least me in specific, guess it needn't generalise."
And eventually he's done and he says 'bye to the girl and goes to the library to read up a lot on magic and other things while he waits for Korulen to have some free time.
Yay, walks into the city!
"Oh, by the way, can I see you shift into your other form at some point?"
She does it midstride, keeps walking on four clawed feet. She's smaller than Kaylo's dragon form, only about ten feet long nose to tailtip, and the same jade color as Keo's hair.
"Yeah. It's like you're entirely an elf, except you got this one bit of stuff that's exactly like a dragon but small. ...can you breathe fire?"
"I mean, the bits of dragon magic that do fire and the bits that do shapeshifting are in there, but they're smaller, and the bit that does shapeshifting only does the one shape, and they're in the same position relative to each other, sorta."