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book 6 Vanyel meets pathfinder
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:Yes. I'm serious. I...don't know if Valdemar has a diplomatic problem as a result. Hopefully not, but I was wearing Whites and they would've seen that, and Yfandes is pretty recognizable. Um. Golarion does have a diplomatic problem, at least between Abadar and Vkandis. So we can't Plane Shift in, since we have no way of ensuring we don't land in Iftel again: 


:I...see: Her mindvoice is hesitant, and noticeably a bit dubious, but she doesn't press. 


:There's a much more powerful and costly spell that can get us to Haven with precise targeting. We'll do that tomorrow morning. We can't do it sooner because of how magic works here. Um, you have to understand that the locals are putting a LOT of resources into this project, it's hard. That's why I didn't come back sooner: Well, one reason why. 


:Mmmhmm. We'll be expecting you tomorrow, then. Are they sending diplomatics?: 


:I think just Fazil, the cleric who was Plane Shifting me today. Er, if he's still up for coming after we had a bad time. I know you can't take what I tell you now at face value, but you'll be able to ask me about it under Truth Spell then. I can answer some questions in the meantime if you want: 


:Go ahead: 


Vanyel takes another deep breath, tries not to grit his teeth. :Leareth is here, but - it's not what you think, I got here first and it ended up seeming relevant so, um, we recruited a very powerful cleric who knows the more costly spell and we - kidnapped him, into a room where magic didn't work, and questioned him:  




Vanyel tries to coax his shoulders down from around his ears. :There's a lot I need to tell you, it'll be easier to explain in person, but - right now he's working with Osirion. With us. I'm pretty sure you're not in any danger of being invaded, and if I'm wrong, Heaven will send armies to help out, I think the archon told you that? And if Leareth, um, tries to get up to anything here, there are people a lot more powerful than him who can stop him. But I don't think he will: 



:I know. It's a very weird situation. I'll explain tomorrow, I promise: 


Another very long pause. 

:I love you, ke'chara: Savil sends finally. :Be careful: 


:I will: 

He drops the link with her, and lets out his breath, leaning on the nearest wall. "I...think...that could've gone worse than it did? I can't really tell what she's thinking though." 


Yfandes has been relaying the conversation to Fazil throughout. 


"We could scry them and learn what they're thinking. I would prefer not to, but - I would also prefer not to walk into an ambush or something tomorrow so if you think there's any chance of that then to my mind it would justify scrying long enough to answer the question of whether we're endangering the pharaoh casting the Gate or endangering ourselves walking through it."


:I don’t...think...there’s much chance of them even trying to hurt the pharaoh or of something ambush-like. They may try to prevent us leaving. I wouldn’t be surprised if they interrogate all of us under coercive Truth Spell - is there anything you know that’d be problematic for them to learn:


:Lots of stuff that's top secret in this world - that Aroden might not be dead, that he might be planning a conquest of Cheliax, that Leareth wants to help him, that Leareth is him, Hagan's secret identity.... uh, other stuff the secrecy of which is important for the safety of people in this world who have assassins after them or whatever...if they can't get to our world none of it matters but Leareth thought he could in time...


:I mean, we know most of that too, so leaving you behind wouldn’t be much safer. I don’t see why they’d ask questions relevant to people here with assassins after them but I could be wrong. I - don’t think we can guarantee them not finding out. Almost certainly they end up enough on our side that it’s fine, just...: 


Sigh. That makes sense. Okay. If it's not decision-relevant then I don't think there's a justification for spying on them and we'll just have to learn tomorrow how suspicious they are.


Thoughtful pause. :Hmm. I think it's next to impossible we'll overhear anything that would make Van and I decide not to go back, given the situation overall, but - we're already asking a lot of you, and it'd seem pretty reasonable for you not to come if their attitude is on the hostile side. Which it could be. If you'd feel more comfortable checking that, I think it's justified, although it'll be awkward if they end up asking us about it. But Randi would get it, I think. Not endangering your allies any more than necessary: 


:I mostly just really really do not want to further complicate the god negotiations somehow and probably watching the Heralds will not even give insight into whether a god is going to intervene in Valdemar. - unless you think their intervention would plausibly be subtler and take the form of an advance warning or something.:


:Hmm. Gods - tend not to intervene in ways that are even recognizable as that, in Valdemar? If anything I’d expect them to send a Foresight vision or just a gut feeling to the Groveborn - er, leader of the Companions - but we don’t currently have one of those:


Sigh. :I think if it no longer made sense for me to go Abadar would have said that instead of giving the pharaoh ninth circle spells to get us there.:


Sigh. "If you're sure. I - would really appreciate having you there." 


Nod. "And Leareth thought - if relations with Valdemar could be repaired fast enough - they might be willing to help hold the Worldwound, if there is a war with Cheliax. That's - worth getting occasionally set on fire for."

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